A telephonic conversation was held between President Asif Ali Zardari and Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Friday. The law-and-order situation in Karachi came under discussion during the conversation and both the leaders strongly condemned the acts of terrorism and kidnappings and atrocious killings of innocent citizens in Karachi. The President said that the gory acts of cutting off the heads of guiltless people in Karachi are blatantly ferocious.
He said that these savage acts are aimed at keeping the PPP and the MQM away from each other. He said if the PPP and the MQM did not mount a united effort against this terrorism and extremism the bloodthirsty terrorists would burn down our houses.
He said that instructions have already been issued to Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah and the law-enforcing agencies to take indiscriminate action against the marauding elements behind lawlessness, extortion and murder of innocent citizens. He said that orders have been given not to show any leniency to criminals destroying peace in Karachi.
President Zardari requested Hussain to rejoin the federal and provincial governments and support the PPP for strengthening democracy and solving basic problems of the people.
Talking to the President Hussain said that the MQM remained in the government in all sincerity, and it supported the government in difficult times. He said that certain elements in the government are not only supporting hardened criminals and savage killers but also getting themselves photographed with them.
Hussain said that this has emboldened the terrorists and the killers. The government can find out for itself as to who are involved in extortion and incidents of kidnappings for ransom by contacting the business community of Karachi. He said that the government should take undiscriminating action against criminal elements and ferocious murderers and take blessings of helpless people. Both the leaders expressed their grief and sorrow over the loss of precious lives in Karachi and prayed for the eternal peace of the people killed in Karachi.
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