Federal government is actively considering establishing a Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Unit in near future in the country. Official sources told Business Recorder here on Wednesday that the concept of initiating this project was to put fisheries sector on modern track by introducing fiberglass boats.
The step was being taken for bringing radical changes in fisheries sector by introducing latest technology of fiberglass not only for replacing traditional techniques but also to enhance the volume of exports of the country. In this Hi-Tech era the fiberglass boats have gained the popularity globally, while very few producers are in the country. Fiberglass boats had many advantages as compared to wooden boats. The fiberglass is attractive, lightweight and durable material and it is highly resistant to environment extremes.
At present there are 20,000 registered boats out which 12,000 boats are wooden made, which were not fulfilling the international standard and fishing was being carried through small boats. According to an estimate over 10 lakh people were engaged with industry directly or indirectly and earning their livelihood. The boat manufacturers in Pakistan were facing multiple problems because majority of boat builders are illiterate and adopted this profession through observation or training from their elders.
Source further told that total world fishery production was 114 million tones in 1998, which increased to 140 million tones during 2007. Fishing is one of the important economic sector and it was estimated that more than 400,000 people were directly involved in this sector, while 600,000 were involved in the ancillary industry. Fishing was also an important source of food for local population and contributor to foreign exchange revenue.
Growth in fisheries sector was 9.20 percent in 2007-08 and despite economic downtrend it was still in positive range at 2.3 percent in 2008-09. Total fish production in 2007-08 was estimated to be 455.000 metric tons and Pakistan's major seafood buyers are China, UAE, Thailand, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Middle East and Sri Lanka. The setting up of fiberglass boat manufacturing unit in the country would not only help tracking fishery industry on modern lines and supportive in fulfilling the international and European Union (EU) standards and requirements.
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