Infrastructure Project Development Facility (IPDF) has decided to initiate a modern Municipal Solid Waste Management Project in collaboration with the Capital Development Authority (CDA) to develop a proper system of collection, transport, processing and disposal of the waste.
The Solid Waste Management (SWM) in Pakistan does not seem to be a priority, which is adversely affecting the health, safety and environment. The hospital and industrial wastes are considered as ordinary. Currently, solid waste in Pakistan has not been carried out in a sufficient and proper manner in collection, transportation and disposal.
According to Ghulam Murtaza Satti, Advisor of IPDF, globally cities and municipalities are devising innovative methods and use modern technology for integrated solid waste management. Water, sanitation and solid waste management sectors offer tremendous potential for private sector participation which can be harnessed for bringing improvement in the quality of citizen's lives. Moreover; the urban waste can be used in number of ways eg composting, residual fuel and waste to energy conversion purposes.
He said that the effective disposal of waste might definitely result in generation of reliable revenue stream; which may increase the technical and financial viability of the project. In this regard fertiliser and cement industry may prove to be consistent customers of urban waste; that may serve their ends in various ways.
Solid waste management is a term used for garbage management. As long as humans have been living in settled communities, solid waste, or garbage, has been an issue, and modern societies generate far more solid waste than early humans ever did. SWM is one of the major reasons of environmental degradation in Pakistan.
With a growing population like the other major cities of Pakistan, Islamabad also faces urban problem of inadequate solid waste management. The basic problems of solid waste management can broadly be categorised as; (a) Insufficient official waste collection points (b) Insufficient waste collection equipment; (c) Inadequate transportation system; and (d) lack of formal waste segregation, recycling and resource recovery system.
Management for non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility of local government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the generator.
Satti disclosed, "the environmental and sanitary conditions have become more serious year by year, and people are suffering from living such conditions. The scope of problems regarding solid waste management is very wide and involves the consideration of all the aspects relating to solid waste and its management, either directly or indirectly" A feasibility study for the project on urgent basis has already been initiated by CDA with the assistance from IPDF, with the objective of executing the project on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis.
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