How deep is the relation between Pakistan Peoples Party and the people of Pakistan? It can be judged by the fact that Co-chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party and President Asif Ali Zardari has established his camp office at Bilawal House Karachi leaving President House in order to monitor himself the ongoing relief and rehabilitation works for the rain-hit and flood-affected people of Sindh.
This time President Asif Ali Zardari adopted a novel and unique procedure to monitor aid-related activities. He got latest video conferencing system installed at Bilawal House and through this system he went on holding video conferences with Chief Minister House, National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and administration of the affected districts; and issued directives on the spot. He also kept constant contacts with district officers engaged in Chief Minister House Sindh Relief work/camps, elected representatives of National and provincial assemblies and Senate belonging to Sindh. The interest of President can also be judged through his personal pains that he took to redress the grievances of flood-affected people and he watched news on electronic channels and issued orders to the officials concerned to redress the problems of the people. Due to his presence in Karachi and video conferences, the Sindh administration not only remained active and vigilant, but it also made all possible efforts to provide flood-affected people all kinds of relief. His presence reminded that some one is there to help them out in these difficult times.
President Zardari focused on the provision of food and immediate basic health facilities. On his instructions, all government machinery, Peoples Party workers and district organisations remained active and at any stage, no flood-affected man, felt himself alone.
Government is facing many other challenges besides helping the affected peoples, rehabilitation of flood-affected people, compensation of destroyed crops/damages, restoration of destructed infrastructure and prevention of such destructions in the future.
Keeping all the pros and cons of the current situation in mind, President worked day and night on various fronts, at Bilawal House Karachi. He made every effort to generate funds. He held meetings with business community, philanthropists, overseas Pakistanis, representatives of Chamber of Commerce & Industry and foreign diplomats at Bilawal House.
Due to his efforts, the flood-affected people got more donations as expected. He himself distributed this aid to the institutions working for relief. President Zardari also held meetings with players and artists and asked them to arrange programmes to collect funds for the flood-affected people. In short, President Zardari motivated all national and international circles for the help of flood-affected people.
President Zardari paid special attention on timely prevention of water born diseases and provision of basic health facilities to affected people. He not only held meetings in this regard, but obtained progress reports as well. He held meetings with pharmaceutical companies for the supply of essential medicines. These companies provided medicines in a large quantity while medicines were also received from abroad. President Zardari was given reports about each and every relief camp and area. He even knew about the patients, their diseases and their treatment.
As many as 7.5 million people have been affected in Sindh by rains and flood. 4.1 million acres of land had been destroyed. More than 2 million houses were washed away in the rains. Millions of cattle died, economic in flood-affected areas completely destroyed. President Zardari knowing the magnitude of the destruction, declared the affected areas as calamity-hit and cancelled all government recoveries from farmers and tillers. A survey is being conducted on the instructions of the President to evaluate the losses. On his directives Sindh government has announced an over 2 billion rupees package for the flood-affected people. Seeds and fertilisers will be provided to the farmers free of cost for next crops. Other facilities will also be extended to them. Each affected family will receive Rs 20,000, besides food and other essentials at Relief Camps.
President Zardari has taken many necessary and revolutionary steps to redress the grievances of the f1ood-affected people. Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto always said, 'Pakistan Peoples Party and the masses are attached in an integrated relation and our dying and living are together'. President Zardari has proved that he is the son of Pakistan and his love for the people of Sindh is immeasurable. He possesses the great vision of building Sindh on a war footing and strong basis.
(The writer is Sindh Minister for Information)
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