Former president Pervez Musharraf said that the US would not carry out any ground assault inside Pakistan, Aaj News reported. He pointed that once Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahari were allies of the whole world, Aaj news reported. Musharraf said Pakistan has suffered a lot in the ongoing war on terror. The nation is braving suicide bombing on a daily basis.
It is, however, unfortunate that the US is levelling irresponsible allegations against Pakistan. He underscored the need for reducing growing tensions between the two allies in the war against terrorism without any further loss of time. Talking about Haqqani network, he claimed that it did not exist during his tenure. He said that the government should strike a deal with Haqqani network not to launch any cross-border attack from the Pakistan soil.
Musharraf said that Pakistan should continue to fight the war in its own interest as the US is taking care of its own interest. He said that the US should not dictate its terms in the war on terror because Pakistan is a sovereign country. Musharraf said the seventh and ninth divisions of Pakistan army were employed against al Qaeda and Taliban during his tenure. He said that Pakhtuns were pushed towards Taliban in Afghanistan because of a flawed US strategy.
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