
Netanyahu's son under fire after 'strip club' tape

JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son has been caught on tape seemingly drunk outside a strip c
Published January 9, 2018

JERUSALEM: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son has been caught on tape seemingly drunk outside a strip club talking about a key natural gas deal, leading to political fallout on Tuesday.

The audio recording of Yair Netanyahu, who has been the subject of controversy in the past, led to further criticism of his father's handling of Israel's natural gas industry at a time when he already faces two unrelated graft investigations.

Netanyahu's family denounced the broadcast of the recording by Israel's Channel 2 television late Monday as part of a witch-hunt, while Yair Netanyahu said he was obviously joking in the audio said to be from 2015.

Yair Netanyahu, now 26, can be heard speaking with the son of Kobi Maimon, a stakeholder in a company that owns a share in Israel's offshore Tamar gas field.

Their conversation includes talk of strippers and prostitutes.

"My dad arranged $20 billion for your dad -- you can give me 400 shekels ($116/97 euros)," he says.

Yair Netanyahu issued a statement apologising and saying he was only joking about the gas deal while "under the influence of alcohol".

"These statements do not represent who I am nor the values on which I was raised," he said.

"Regarding what I said about the gas deal, it was a joke. Anyone with a bit of common sense understands that right way."

Netanyahu faced a difficult political battle over Israel's natural gas arrangements, with opponents saying they overly favour the companies involved.

Labour party leader Avi Gabbay said the recording was a "new stain on the corrupt gas deal".

There was also criticism over Yair Netanyahu's security arrangements, with at least two lawmakers calling for an investigation.

A security guard employed by the state purportedly accompanied Yair Netanyahu to the strip club.

Copyright AFP (Agence France-Press), 2018


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