Azme Alishan, the nation's newest and fastest growing social movement, has launched a new online pledge calling on Pakistanis everywhere to sign up as ambassadors for the 'real Pakistan' to counter some of the negative perceptions of the country at home and abroad.
The pledge, hosted on the campaign's website, has already been signed by 10,000 people in its first few days, each of whom have added their own personal 'azm' to say what they personally will do to shape a better future for the country. Azms range from grand ideas to small everyday actions that will help change the nation street by street and mohalla by mohalla.
Tabassum, for example, writes that she wants to develop Pakistan into an IT hub, while Arslan says simply that "if we are more tolerant towards each other, there is no way we cannot be united as one nation".
The full pledge reads: "Today I pledge to be an ambassador for the real Pakistan, a country of peace, tolerance and opportunity for all. I believe these are the values on which the country was founded, and I pledge to do all I can to uphold and promote the true spirit of Pakistan, to show the world what that spirit really is, wherever I may be". Taher A Khan, founder and patron of the Azme Alishan movement, said: "Azme Alishan is a movement of patriotic Pakistanis who believe that our nation's glass is half full not half empty.-PR

Copyright Business Recorder, 2011


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