FIFA should limit the mandates of its leading officials and check up regularly to ensure they behave ethically, an independent report said Wednesday. Soccer's governing body was also open to conflicts of interest in its relationship with its 208 member associations, said the report by Mark Pieth of the Swiss-based Basel Institute of Governance.
"FIFA should consider introducing regular due diligence checks by the ethics committee on elected members of its bodies," said the report. "A regulation should specify cases of incompatibility with the FIFA function. The regulation should also define the procedure, and clarify under which circumstances an official would be temporarily suspended from his function." It added: "FIFA should consider limiting terms of office of its officials."
Pieth has recently been named to head FIFA's independent good governance committee, set up as a response to recent corruption scandals which have plagued the governing body. "FIFA is answerable to its 208 Member Associations who in turn are recipients of funding from FIFA, and maybe financially dependent on these funds," added the report.

Copyright Reuters, 2011


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