At least two youngsters, including the son of former chief sub-editor of Daily Business Recorder Asif Ali Khan, lost their lives while two others sustained injuries in a road accident in the remits of Tipu Sultan police station. According to police, the tragic incident took place on early Saturday at main Sharea Faisal near Nursery Bus Stop, where a speedy car (ALH-760) lost its control and rammed into an electricity supply pole.
Resultantly, 25-year-old Anas, son of Asif Ali Khan, died on the spot. Faraz, 24, son of Asad Ali; Faryab, 24 and Osama, 23, son of Mohammad Sabir, received serious injuries. Anas' body and the injured were shifted to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre where Faraz also succumbed to his injuries. The accident caused massive traffic jam at city's main artery.
Later, the traffic police removed the crashed vehicle from the spot with the help of a lifter. Police said the tie rod broke when its driver tried to avoid a collision with a biker, who had suddenly emerged in front of the vehicle. Resultantly, the driver lost his control and rammed the vehicle into an electric pole.
Those who died in the accident were the residents of North Nazimabad. Police said all victims were friends and they were hanging around at the time of accident. JPMC doctors said condition of the injured was out of danger. The funeral prayers of Anas were offered at Hyderi. Later, he was laid to rest in a local graveyard. Those who attended Anas' funeral prayers included Business Recorder's Wamiq A. Zuberi, Arshad A. Zuberi and Sarfaraz Ahmed.
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