KARACHI: Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) chairman Syed Mustafa Kamal has said the chief ministers of the provinces are acting like dictators seizing all resources by manipulating 18th constitutional amendment.

He expressed these views while addressing a workers convention of Korangi Town. He said under a calculated plan, powers and resources were neither transferred to the lowest level, nor was the public allowed to comprehend that collected taxes were not the property of any individual or family but it's meant of every individual of the nation. That is why the people today are least bit bothered about the rolling back of the 18th Amendment, Kamal added.

PSP demanded the launch of PFC Award under the exact pattern and formula of NFC Award from the first day of its creation so that every region of Pakistan could attain the level of development on an equal footing.

Our vision is now being accepted by the nation. PSP is the only political party in Pakistan which believes in rule of the masses and not of the ruling elites. Once in power, we will make sure to devolve powers and resources in an ideal way as we believe firmly in devolving powers to the grassroots level. Mustafa Kamal further said morally and economically corrupt people have pushed Pakistan into an abyss for personal gain but Allah Almighty has given PSP the character, capability and passion that will pull Pakistan out of that abyss.

The meeting was attended by PSP president Anis Kaim Khani, members of national council and incharge Korangi town Najam Mirza besides thousands of workers from Korangi Town.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020


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