LETTER: This is apropos a Business Recorder news item "China-India standoff: Neither wants a complete rupture?" carried by the newspaper on Sunday. All the Sinologists or the experts who have analysed the Sino-Indo tensions are keenly watching the ongoing tensions between the two Asian neighbours seem to have lost the sight of one key fact: the growing anxiety among the Indians, particularly those who belong to middle and lower middle classes. They are said to be deeply concerned about the ban on as many as 59 Chinese apps. They are also concerned about the prospects of the unavailability of cheap but quality products in the markets because of growing belligerence of New Delhi against Beijing.

Having said that, I totally agree with Michael Kugelman's take in this regard. This South Asia expert at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars has cautioned that neither India nor China want a complete rupture. According to Kugelman, both the countries still see some common interests, especially in international organisations.


Copyright Business Recorder, 2020


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