MUMBAI: India said on Sunday it was considering granting an emergency authorisation for a Covid-19 vaccine, particularly for the elderly and people in high-risk workplaces, as the country's number of reported infections passed 4.75 million.
India, which has consistently reported over 1,000 Covid-19 deaths daily this month, has now recorded 78,586 fatalities from the disease. It lags only the United States globally in overall number of infections, but it has been adding more daily cases than the United States since mid-August.
"India is considering emergency authorisation of a Covid-19 vaccination," said Health Minister Harsh Vardhan. "If there is a consensus we may go ahead with it, especially in the case of senior citizens and people working in high-risk settings."
Vardhan said the timeline on Phase III trials could be shortened by giving emergency authorisation, but stressed no corners would be cut in clinical trials and that a vaccine would only be made available when the government could ensure its safety and efficacy. He said no date has been set for a vaccine launch, but added results of trials should be clear by the first quarter of 2021.
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