LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has claimed that the opposition parties are 'insulting' the mandate of people through their anti-government and anti-establishment tirade.

"Those who are spewing poison against institutions (armed forces) are the enemies of the country and the nation. The opposition is insulting the mandate of the people," the chief minister said in a statement issued on Sunday. Without naming anyone, Buzdar said the 'treacherous' narrative reflects mental ignorance of some so-called leaders.

"Those who are damaging national interests cannot be called leaders. The people are fully aware of who is wrong and who is right. The opposition is pursuing an agenda to destabilize the country. Opposition parties should regain their senses."

According to him, the unnatural alliance of 11 opposition parties has no value in front of a "prescient" leader like Imran Khan. He alleged the opposition is hatching conspiracies to stop Pakistan from sustainable development. He said that those who are raising the slogan "give respect to vote" had themselves destroyed its sanctity in their tenures. "The opposition has only one agenda which is how to save their wealth accumulated through looting and plundering," he alleged.

The CM said the alliance of "disruptive elements" is withering away due to its unbecoming approach. "Corrupt gangs will not escape from accountability and they will answer for their embezzlements, lootings and plundering."

He said Pakistan can move forward only when the corrupt elements will be held accountable without any discrimination. He said that there is no room for the specific agenda of the corrupt elements in the new Pakistan.

Meanwhile, the chief minister deplored that citizens are not taking the "second wave" of the coronavirus seriously as positive cases and deaths are increasing day-by-day.

"Corona is increasing gradually and the death rate is increasing day-by-day. Violations of SOPs are being witnessed. More strict decisions will have to be taken if the situation will remain the same," he warned and requested the people to display responsibility and take precautionary measures.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020


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