
Global reaction to Jordan security developments

  • Here are responses from different countries and groups.
Published April 4, 2021

Jordanian King Abdullah's half-brother and former Crown Prince Hamza bin Hussein was told to halt actions used to target the country's "security and stability", the military said on Saturday.

In a statement published by the state news agency, it said the action was part of a broader security investigation in which a former minister, a member of the royal family and some other unidentified individuals were detained.

Here are responses from different countries and groups:


"We are closely following the reports and in touch with Jordanian officials. King Abdullah is a key partner of the United States, and he has our full support," US State Department spokesman Ned Price said in an email.


"The kingdom affirms its full support, with all its capabilities, to all decisions and measures taken by King Abdullah and His Highness Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, the Crown Prince, to maintain security and stability," the Saudi royal court said in a statement.

In a separate statement, Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said Jordan's stability and prosperity was the "basis for the stability and prosperity of the whole region" and vowed "firm and lasting" support for it.


The Ministry of Presidential Affairs stressed the UAE's full support for all decisions and measures taken by King Abdullah and his crown prince to maintain Jordan's security and stability and "to defuse any attempt to impact them".

Senior Emirati official Anwar Gargash said on Twitter Jordan's "wise policy to build bridges in a turbulent region was not an easy choice but was, and remains, the necessary direction".


Egypt voiced support for King Abdullah and his efforts "to maintain the security and stability of the kingdom against any attempts to undermine it," its presidency spokesman wrote on Facebook.


"His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa affirmed full support to the decisions and measures taken by HM King Abdulla II Ibn Al Hussein of Jordan to maintain his country's security and stability and defuse all disruptive attempts," state news agency BNA said.


In a statement, GCC Secretary General Nayef Falah Mubarak al-Hajraf said the bloc affirmed its full support for all decisions and measures taken by King Abdullah to preserve the security and stability of Jordan.


"Jordan's security and safety is a fundamental basis for the security and safety of the Arab world," Lebanese Prime Minister designate Saad al-Hariri said on Twitter. "All the solidarity with the Jordanian leadership and King Abdullah in defending the gains of the Jordanian people, protecting their stability, and refusing interference in their affairs."


Kuwait's foreign ministry expressed its support to all measures taken by King Abdullah and his crown prince to maintain the security and stability of Jordan, adding "the security and stability of the kingdom are that of Kuwait".


"The Iraqi government affirms that it stands with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II, in any steps taken to preserve the security and stability of the country and take care of the interests of the brotherly people of Jordan, in a way that boosts their presence, by relying on measures that aim to extend the respect of the state," the foreign ministry said in a statement.


Qatar expressed its full solidarity with Jordan and its full support to the decisions and measures issued by King Abdullah to preserve security and stability, and boost the process of progress and prosperity, state news agency QNA said.

Yemen's internationally recognized government "affirms its absolute support and totally stands with all decisions and measures taken by His Majesty King Abdullah aimed at maintaining security and ending any attempts to destabilize the sisterly Kingdom of Jordan," state news agency Saba said.


"Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that we stand by the sisterly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the king, the government, and the people," official Palestinian news agency WAFA said in a statement.

"We support the decisions taken by King Abdullah II to preserve Jordan's security and ensure its stability and unity.

"We support the steps taken by King Abdullah to maintain Jordanian national security, stressing that Jordan's security and stability is a supreme Palestinian interest."


"The secretary-general of the Arab League expressed full solidarity with the measures taken by the Jordanian leadership to maintain the security of the kingdom and maintain the stability," the Arab League said in a statement on its Facebook page, citing Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

"He also stressed his confidence in the leadership's wisdom and its keenness to secure the country's stability in parallel with the respect for the constitution and the law.

"Ahmed Aboul Gheit added that King Abdullah II has a high and appreciated position, whether among the Jordanian people or on the Arab level in general, and that everyone knows his sincerity and his great role in serving Arab causes."


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