Print 2021-04-30
Dividend/Bonus Announcements
KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange....
KARACHI: Dividend/Bonus announcements by the companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.
ACCOUNTS million)
Indus Motor Company 31.03.2021 300% (i) 8,415.460 107.07 - 13.05.2021 To
Limited Nine Month 19.05.2021
Shaheen Insurance 31.03.2021 - 5.796 0.10 - -
Comapy Limited 1st Quarter
Diamond Industries 31.03.2021 - 10.702 1.19 - -
Limited Nine Month
Unilever Pakistan 31.03.2021 2280% (i) 1,454.649 228.36 - 18.05.2021 to
Foods Limited 1st Quarter 24.05.2021
Safe Mix Concrete 31.03.2021 - 2.315 0.09 - -
Limited Nine Month
Gadoon Textile Mills Ltd. 31.03.2021 - 1,858.798 66.31 - -
Nine Month
Nishat Mills Limited 31.03.2021 - 3,644.929 10.37 - -
(Unconsolidated) Nine Month
Nishat Mills Limited 31.03.2021 - 8,193.374 20.33 - -
(Consolidated) Nine Month
Dandot Cement 31.03.2021 - (34.947) (0.37) - -
Company Limited Nine Month
First National Equities 31.03.2021 - 114.991 0.430 - -
Limited Nine Month
EFG Hermes Ltd. 31.03.2021 - 16.532 0.83 - -
Dadex Eternet Ltd. 31.03.2021 - 59.721 5.55 - -
Nine Month
Tariq Glass Industries 31.03.2021 - 1,633.125 14.82 - -
Limited Nine Month
Standard Chartered 31.03.2021 - 3,218.974 0.83 - -
Bank (Pakistan) Ltd. 1st Quarter
Sapphire Fibres Limited 31.03.2021 - 1,537.052 74.35 - -
(Unconsolidated) Nine Month
Sapphire Fibres Limited 31.03.2021 - 3,313.455 127.92 - -
(Consolidated) Nine Month
Leather-up-Limited 31.03.2021 - (4.531) (0.76) - -
Nine Month
Unicap Modaraba 31.03.2021 - (1.640) (0.069) - -
Nine Month
International Knitwear 31.03.2021 - 1.731 0.18 - -
Limited Nine Month
IGI Life Insurance Ltd. 31.03.2021 - (63.314) (0.37) - -
Kohinoor Spinning 31.03.2021 - (389.916) (1.81) - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
Merit Packaging Ltd. 31.03.2021 - (423.894) (5.26) - -
Nine Month
Sardar Chemical 31.03.2021 - 42.362 7.06 - -
Industries Limited Nine Month
Yousuf Weaving 31.03.2021 - 12.423 0.14 - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
AGP Limited 31.03.2021 - 383.592 1.37 - -
Century Insurance 31.03.2021 - 70.950 1.41 - -
Company Limited 1stQaurter
Pakistan State Oil
Company Limited 31.03.2021 - 18,242.049 38.86 - -
(Unconsolidated) Nine Month
Pakistan State Oil 31.03.2021 - 18,282.993 38.92 - -
Company Limited Nine Month
Fazal Cloth Mills Ltd. 31.03.2021 200% (i) 3,082.752 102.76 - 20.05.2021 to
Nine Month 26.05.2021
Lanmark Spinning 31.03.2021 - (15.559) (1.28) - -
Industries Limited Nine Month
Sitara Chemical 31.03.2021 - 1,069.439 49.91 - -
Industries Limited Nine Month
Agha Steel Industries Ltd. 31.03.2021 - 1,597.959 3.06 - -
Nine Month
TPL Prperties Limited 31.03.2021 - (32.163) (0.10) - -
(Unconsolidated) Nine Month
TPL Prperties Limited 31.03.2021 - (63.698) (0.19) - -
(Consolidated) Nine Month
Drekkar Kingsway Ltd. 31.03.2021 - (1.226) (0.12) - -
Nine Month
Balochistan Glass 31.03.2021 - 72.307 0.28 - -
Limited Nine Month
Nadeem Textile 31.03.2021 - 356.203 16.56 - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
Asim Textile Mills Ltd 31.03.2021 - 22.435 1.48 - -
Nine Month
Premier Insurance 31.03.2021 - (44.340) (0.88) - -
Limited Nine Month
Ideal Spinning 31.03.2021 - 181.021 18.25 - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
Data Agro Limited 31.03.2021 - 8.934 2.23 - -
Nine Month
Crescent Fibres 31.03.2021 - 301.605 24.29 - -
Limited Nine Month
J.A.Textile 31.03.2021 - 54.480 4.32 - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
Azgard Nine 31.03.2021 - 152.582 0.31 - -
Limited Nine Month
Bilal Fibres 31.03.2021 - (25.913) (1.84) - -
Limited Nine Month
Resco Textiles 31.03.2021 - 17.143 0.348 - -
Limited Nine Month
The National Silk 31.03.2021 - 12.091 0.78 - -
& Riyon Limited Nine Month
Khurshid Spinning 31.03.2021 - 25.152 1.91 - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
Globe Textile 31.03.2021 - (0.705) (0.04) - -
Limited Nine Month
Aruj Industries Ltd 31.03.2021 - 20.516 1.96 - -
Nine Month
Highnoon Laboratories 31.03.2021 - 409.023 11.82 - -
Limited (Unconsolidated) 1stQaurter
Highnoon Laboratories 31.03.2021 - 427.384 12.34 - -
Limited (Consolidated) 1stQaurter
Crescenet Textile 31.03.2021 25% 402.477 5.03 23.05.2021 to
Mills Limited Nine Month Right 29.05.2021
Shares (*)
Pioneer Cement Ltd 31.03.2021 - 1,293.318 5.69 - -
Nine Month
Crescent Steel & 31.03.2021 - 703.615 9.06 - -
Allied Products Limited Nine Month
Pakistan Petroleum 31.03.2021 - 38,118.128 14.01 - -
Ltd (Unconsolidated) Nine Month
Pakistan Petroleum 31.03.2021 - 38,119.021 14.01 - -
Limited (Consolidated) Nine Month
Archroma Pakistan 31.03.2021 - 1,102.230 32.31 - -
Limited Half Year
Service Industries 31.03.2021 - 157.621 6.71 - -
Limited (Unconsolidated) 1stQaurter
Service Industries 31.03.2021 - 285.462 12.15 - -
Limited (Consolidated) 1stQaurter
Crescent Cotton 31.03.2021 - 246.853 10.89 - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
IGI Holdings Limited 31.03.2021 - 368.773 2.59 - -
(Unconsolidated) 1stQaurter
IGI Holdings 31.03.2021 - 506.792 3.55 - -
Limited (Consolidated) 1stQaurter
Al-Shaheer Corporation 31.03.2021 - 76.999 0.33 - -
Limited (Unconsolidated) Nine Month
Al-Shaheer Corporation 31.03.2021 - 76.873 0.33 - -
Limited (Consolidated) Nine Month
Hamid Textile 31.03.2021 - (14.816) (1.12) - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
Jubilee Spinning & 31.03.2021 - 1.142 0.04 - -
Weaving Mills Ltd Nine Month
Mughal Iron & 31.03.2021 - 2,508.383 9.97 - -
Industries Limited Nine Month
Bunnys Limited 31.03.2021 - 152.306 2.96 - -
Nine Month
Ravi Textile 31.03.2021 - 16.945 0.68 - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
Arif Habib Corporation 31.03.2021 - 3124.014 7.65 - -
Limited (Unconsolidated) Nine Month
Arif Habib Corporation 31.03.2021 - 5,980.401 13.05 - -
Limited (Consolidated) Nine Month
Pakistan International 31.03.2021 20% (i) 952.929 8.73 28.05.2021 to
Container Limited 1stQaurter 04.06.2021
Cherat Cement 31.03.2021 - 2,222.278 11.44 - -
Company Limited Nine Month
Salfi Textile 31.03.2021 - 187.204 56.01 - -
Mills Limited Nine Month
Jahangir Siddiqui & 31.03.2021 - 592.378 0.65 - -
Company Ltd 1stQaurter
Jahangir Siddiqui & 31.03.2021 - 1,199.435 1.18 - -
Company Ltd 1stQaurter
Mandviwala Mauser 31.03.2021 - 3.056 0.01 - -
Plastic Industries Ltd Nine Month
Arshad Energy Ltd 31.03.2021 - (12.673) (1.58) - -
Nine Month
Ghazi Fabric 31.03.2021 - 57.262 1.75 - -
International Limited Nine Month
Ahmed Hassan 31.03.2021 - 212.117 14.72 - -
Textile Mills Limited Nine Month
Shams Textile 31.03.2021 - 227.000 26.27 - -
Mills limited Nine Month
ICC Industries Ltd 31.03.2021 - (15.870) (0.53) - -
Nine Month
Gul Ahmed Textile 12.06.2021
Mills Limited (#) to 21.06.2021
Indication: (*) at a Premium Rs.20/-Per Ordinary share (#) Revised Dates of Book Closure for entitlement of Dividend& Bonus shares already announced by Company.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2021
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