KARACHI: Dates of Closure of Books and holding of Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary General Meetings of companies listed on the stock exchanges.
Dividend BC-2 Start AGM/
Name of Company Book Closure Bonus/ Date EOGM
From To Right Ex-Price
Jubilee Life Insurance
Company Limited 3/9/2021 9/9/2021 30% (i) 1/9/2021
IGI Holdings Limited 7/9/2021 13-09-2021 20% (i) 3/9/2021
EFU Life Assurance Limited 8/9/2021 14-09-2021 15% (ii) 6/9/2021
EFU General Insurance Limited 9/9/2021 15-09-2021 15% (ii) 7/9/2021
Hallmark Company Limited * 9/9/2021 15-09-2021
Unilever Pakistan Foods Limited 9/9/2021 15-09-2021 1510% (ii) 7/9/2021
Engro Powergen Qadirpur Limited 10/9/2021 16-09-2021 15% (i) 8/9/2021
Engro Polymer & Chemicals
Limited-Prefrence Shares 10/9/2021 16-09-2021 2.7% (ii) 8/9/2021
Engro Polymer & Chemicals Limited 10/9/2021 16-09-2021 70% (ii) 8/9/2021
(AKBLTFC7) Askari Bank Limited 10/9/2021 17-09-2021
Abbott Laboratories Limited 10/9/2021 17-09-2021 200% (i) 8/9/2021
(KELSC4) K-Electric Limited 10/9/2021 17-09-2021
Fatima Fertilizer Company Ltd # 11/9/2021 17-09-2021 17-09-2021
Meezan Bank Limited 13-09-2021 17-09-2021 15%(ii),15% B 9/9/2021
Service Fabrics Limited # 11/9/2021 18-09-2021 18-09-2021
Habib Bank Limited 12/9/2021 18-09-2021 17.50% (ii) 9/9/2021
(HUBCSC4) The Hub Power
Company Limited 10/9/2021 19-09-2021
Standard Chartered Bank
(Pakistan) Limited 13-09-2021 19-09-2021 12.5% (i) 9/9/2021
MCB Bank Limited 13-09-2021 20-09-2021 50% (ii) 9/9/2021
Engro Fertilizers Limited 14-09-2021 20-09-2021 40% (ii) 10/9/2021
Rafhan Maize Products Company
Limited 14-09-2021 20-09-2021 1500% (ii) 10/9/2021
Bank Alfalah Limited 15-09-2021 21-09-2021 20% (i) 13-09-2021
Colgate-Palmolive (Pakistan)
Limited 15-09-2021 21-09-2021 240%(F),15%B 13-09-2021 21-09-2021
Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited 15-09-2021 22-09-2021 20% (i) 13-09-2021
Next Capital Limited 15-09-2021 22-09-2021 NIL 22-09-2021
Faysal Bank Limited 15-09-2021 22-09-2021 5% (i) 13-09-2021
Attock Refinery Limited 16-09-2021 22-09-2021 NIL 22-09-2021
Pakistan Oilfields Limited 16-09-2021 22-09-2021 300% (F) 14-09-2021 22-09-2021
Attock Petroleum Limited 16-09-2021 22-09-2021 245% (F) 14-09-2021 22-09-2021
Century Paper & Board Mills Ltd 17-09-2021 23-09-2021 15% (F), 15% B 15-09-2021 23-09-2021
Pakistan Cables Limited 17-09-2021 24-09-2021 80% (F) 15-09-2021 24-09-2021
Kohinoor Energy Limited 18-09-2021 24-09-2021 52.5% (i) 16-09-2021
(BAFLTFC6) Bank Alfalah Limited 11/9/2021 25-09-2021
Arif Habib Limited 18-09-2021 25-09-2021 100% (F),10%B 16-09-2021 25-09-2021
(HBLTFC2) Habib Bank Limited 20-09-2021 26-09-2021
Lucky Cement Limited 14-09-2021 28-09-2021 NIL 28-09-2021
Gadoon Textile Mills Limited 21-09-2021 28-09-2021 120% (F) 17-09-2021 28-09-2021
The United Insurance Company
of Pakistan Limited 22-09-2021 28-09-2021 10%(i) 20-09-2021
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited 22-09-2021 28-09-2021 26% (ii) 20-09-2021
Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited 22-09-2021 28-09-2021 NIL 28-09-2021
Kohinoor Textile Mills Limited 22-09-2021 28-09-2021 10%(F) 20-09-2021 28-09-2021
Atlas Battery Limited 15-09-2021 29-09-2021 40% (F), 15%B 13-09-2021 29-09-2021
International Steels Limited 21-09-2021 29-09-2021 70%(F) 17-09-2021 29-09-2021
ICI Pakistan Limited 23-09-2021 29-09-2021 200%(F) 21-09-2021 29-09-2021
Cyan Limited 23-09-2021 29-09-2021 60%(i) 21-09-2021
Security Papers Limited 21-09-2021 30-09-2021 90%(F) 17-09-2021 30-09-2021
International Industries Limited 21-09-2021 30-09-2021 65%(F) 17-09-2021 30-09-2021
Baluchistan Wheels Limited 23-09-2021 30-09-2021 45%(F) 21-09-2021 30-09-2021
Emco Industries Limited 23-09-2021 30-09-2021 10%(F) 21-09-2021 30-09-2021
Pakistan International Bulk
Terminal Limited 23-09-2021 30-09-2021 NIL 30-09-2021
Indus Motor Company Limited 24-09-2021 30-09-2021 365%(F) 22-09-2021 30-09-2021
Ferozsons Laboratories Limited 24-09-2021 30-09-2021 100%(F) 22-09-2021 30-09-2021
Adamjee Insurance Company Limited 24-09-2021 30-09-2021 15%(i) 22-09-2021
Panther Tyres Limited 24-09-2021 30-09-2021 20% (F),20%B 22-09-2021 30-09-2021
Pakistan International Container
Terminal Limited 25-09-2021 1/10/2021 20%(ii) 23-09-2021
Kot Addu Power Company Limited # 25-09-2021 2/10/2021 2/10/2021
Kohat Cement Company Limited 27-09-2021 4/10/2021 NIL 4/10/2021
The Hub Power Company Limited 25-09-2021 5/10/2021 50%(F) 23-09-2021 5/10/2021
Tata Textile Mills Limited 27-09-2021 5/10/2021 NIL 5/10/2021
Bestway Cement Limited 5/10/2021 11/10/2021 40%(F) 1/10/2021 11/10/2021
First Pak Modaraba 30-09-2021 14-10-2021 NIL 14-10-2021
First Prudential Modaraba 30-09-2021 14-10-2021 0.80%(F) 28-09-2021 14-10-2021
KASB Modaraba 30-09-2021 14-10-2021 4.80%(F) 28-09-2021 14-10-2021
Awwal Modaraba 30-09-2021 14-10-2021 3.20%(F) 28-09-2021 14-10-2021
Pakistan Refinery Limited 8/10/2021 14-10-2021 NIL 14-10-2021
Cherat Cement Company Limited 8/10/2021 16-10-2021 12.50%(F) 6/10/2021 16-10-2021
Pakgen Power Limited 12/10/2021 18-10-2021 10%(i) 8/10/2021
Lalpir Power Limited 12/10/2021 18-10-2021 10%(i) 8/10/2021
Tata Textile Mills Limited 12/10/2021 19-10-2021 25%(i) 8/10/2021
Engro Corporation Ltd 13-10-2021 19-10-2021 70%(ii) 11/10/2021
Fauji Cement Company Limited 14-10-2021 20-10-2021 NIL 20-10-2021
Amreli Steels Limited 12/10/2021 21-10-2021 NIL 21-10-2021
National Refinery Limited 14-10-2021 21-10-2021 100%(F) 12/10/2021 21-10-2021
Attock Cement Pakistan Limited 14-10-2021 21-10-2021 40%(F) 12/10/2021 21-10-2021
Dynea Pakistan Limited 14-10-2021 21-10-2021 100%(F) 12/10/2021 21-10-2021
C herat P ackaging L imited 15-10-2021 21-10-2021 40%(F) 13-10-2021 21-10-2021
Agriauto Industries Limited 15-10-2021 21-10-2021 120%(F) 13-10-2021 21-10-2021
Kot Addu Power Company Limited 15-10-2021 22-10-2021 35%(F) 13-10-2021 22-10-2021
Pakistan State Oil Company Ltd 15-10-2021 26-10-2021 100%(F) 13-10-2021 26-10-2021
MCB-Arif Habib Savings &
Investments Limited 19-10-2021 26-10-2021 27.5% (F) 15-10-2021 26-10-2021
Mari Petroleum Company Limited 19-10-2021 26-10-2021 750% (F) 15-10-2021 26-10-2021
Dawood Hercules Corporation Ltd 21-10-2021 27-10-2021 30% (ii) 19-10-2021
Otsuka Pakistan Limited 21-10-2021 27-10-2021 15% (F) 19-10-2021 27-10-2021
Synthetic Products
Enterprises Ltd. 21-10-2021 27-10-2021 5% (F), 8% B 19-10-2021 27-10-2021
Crescent Steel & Allied
Products Ltd 21-10-2021 28-10-2021 NIL 28-10-2021
The General Tyre & Rubber
Company of Pakistan Limited 21-10-2021 28-10-2021 NIL 28-10-2021
Dawood Lawrencepur Limited 22-10-2021 28-10-2021 27.50% (ii) 20-10-2021
Feroz 1888 Mills Limited 22-10-2021 28-10-2021 14.3% (F) 20-10-2021 28-10-2021
Fauji Foods Limited 97.19916%R
Extra Ordinary General Meeting #
To determine the entitlement to receive the offer letters from the Acquirers *
Copyright Business Recorder, 2021
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