ISLAMABAD: The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) Friday notified $2.1359 per mmbtu increase for the consumers who are at distribution network of the Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) and $2.1369 per mmbtu for consumers at the Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGCL).
At the transmission stage for RLNG, the SNGPL and the SSGCL are allowed to increase the tariff by $2 per mmbtu. The provisional price for September has been fixed at $15.3534 per mmbtu for the SNGPL consumers and $15.0918 per mmbtu for the SSGCL consumers.
Earlier, in August, Ogra had worked out $13.2175 per mmbtu and $12.9549 per mmbtu for the SSGCL.
The Pakistan State Oil (PSO) received five cargos and Pakistan LNG Ltd (PLL) imported six cargos at different rates.
The UfG has been taken at 6.3 percent provisionally in line with separate decision of the Ogra issued on October 1, 2021.
Ogra seeks govt advice on sale prices of gas
The Ogra Friday released the decision on the determination of UfG in respect of provisional RLNG price.
The authority decided until RLNG ring fencing mechanism is actually implemented, the UFG percentage allowed in Estimated Revenue Requirement (ERR) of latest year shall be applied in respect of the commencing financial year on provisional basis for consumers on distribution network, subject to retrospective adjustment based on independent external audit.
For transmission network, the UFG shall be allowed at 0.12 percent for the SSGCL and 0.38 percent for the SNGPL for any fiscal year in progress on provisional basis, subject to actualisation, in line with the ECC decision.
During the hearing proceedings before the authority, the SNGPL and the SSGCL's legal counsel stated that for the purpose of RLNG pricing till July 2020, the Ogra had been applying UFG percentage as per last available Final Revenue Requirement (FRR) determined by the authority.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2021
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