Imported consignments: FBR imposes penalties on three officers for wrongful GD processing
ISLAMABAD: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has imposed penalties on three appraising officer/valuation officers, Collectorate of Customs, Islamabad for wrongful processing of Goods Declaration (GD) of imported consignments.
In this connection, the FBR has issued three notifications to impose penalties on three officers.
On completion of disciplinary proceedings, the FBR has imposed penalties on Rabia Samad, appraising officer/valuation officer (BS-16), Collectorate of Customs, Islamabad; Faiza Naeem, appraising officer (BS-16), Collectorate of Customs, Islamabad, and Effan Younas, deputy superintendent “working as appraising officer” (BS -16), Collectorate of Customs, Islamabad.
According to the notification, whereas, disciplinary proceedings were initiated against Samad, by the Authority/Member (Admn/HR), FBR. The inquiry officer concluded that the accused officer was found guilty of inefficiency as she failed to discharge her official obligations/duties with due diligence in processing of GD. In terms of Rule 16 (6) of the relevant rules, show-cause notice dated 22nd November 2021 was issued to the accused officer for defense and to afford her an opportunity of personal hearing by the Authority/Member (Admn/HR), FBR. Defense reply to the show-cause notice was submitted by her on 30th November 2021, wherein, no request for personal hearing was made by the accused officer. Now therefore, the Authority/Member(Admn/HR), FBR after having considered all aspects of the case, has decided to impose minor penalty of “withholding of three increments for three years without cumulative effect” upon Samad, appraising officer/valuation officer (BS-16) under Rule 4 (1) (b) read with Rule 7(f) of the Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 2020.
The FBR has issued similar kind of two other notifications against Naeem and Younas.
The accused officers, shall have the right to appeal before the Appellate Authority as admissible under the Civil Servants (Appeal) Rules, 1977 read with Rule 19 of the Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 2020, the FBR added.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2022
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