ISLAMABAD: The government is likely to extend contract of Managing Director, Private Power & Infrastructure Board (PPIB), Shah Jahan Mirza, for six months or till the appointment of his successor, well-informed sources told Business Recorder.

A summary for extension in services of Mirza for six months has already landed with the Establishment Division, which will be presented to the Cabinet, after comments from Establishment Division.

According to sources, Shah Jahan Mirza went to perform Hajj and took ex-Pakistan leave after which Dr. Munawar was immediately given acting charge of MD PPIB up to July 16, 2022.

Mirza returned from Hajj on July 21, 2022 and in the meantime his contract of MD PPIB expired on Aug 17, 2020.

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Meanwhile, Dr. Munawar who was given charge of MD also expired on July 16, 2022.

The sources said, Ministry of Energy (Power Division) has so far not given charge of MD PPIB to anyone nor have they appointed any MD PPIB till now, hence PPIB is without any head since July 18, 2022.

“Although the contract of Mirza as MD PPIB expired on Aug 17, 2022 but he is enjoying all perks like an official car with driver, etc, and coming to office regularly and attending some of the meetings also,” the sources continued.

Insiders maintain that it is unfortunate that the power sector is in deep crisis but an institution like PPIB and AEDB is without a head and all official work is at a standstill since mid-July 2022, and officials in these institutions are in a holiday mode. The PPIB and AEDB have stopped work because there is no head which has added tremendous problems in the power sector.

The earlier version of the story, originally published July 30, 2022, said PPIB MD's contract may be extended by three months. The error is regretted, and has been rectified.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022


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