HYDERABAD: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah went to Jamsoro district’s Thana Bula Khan taluka on Saturday to see for himself the situation arising out of heavy rains in the area of Darawat Dam.
Speaking to journalists there, the chief minister said that 10 years ago former president Asif Ali Zardari had inaugurated the dam project and that it was the first time since then that the water level in the reservoir had increased tremendously due to the monsoon rains.
He said that elected representatives of the area and officers of the irrigation department and the district administration had informed him that the people residing near the dam had been affected greatly due to the rising water level in its reservoir, adding that all possible measures would be taken to compensate for the losses incurred by the affected people. Such people, he said, would not just be provided the basic facilities but would also be provided an alternative place to stay.
In response to a question, Mr Shah said: “Whenever it rains in any city of Sindh, the public representatives and administration play their role to resolve the problems of the people.”
He said that due to climate change, heavy rains are expected in the coming years as well; therefore, plans will be formulated to build small bridges to maintain road connectivity even during tough situations.
MPA Malik Asad Sikandar, Hyderabad’s DIG Police Syed Pir Mohammad Shah, Jamshoro’s Deputy Commissioner Captain (retd) Fariduddin Mustafa and other senior officials were present on the occasion.
Earlier, the chief minister was flown over the affected areas so that he could himself assess the situation following the recent rains in Thana Bula Khan. Also, the officials of the irrigation department and district administration gave a detailed briefing to him regarding the situation in and around the Darawat Dam.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2022
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