Chief Minister, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ameer Haider Khan Hoti has said that the people criticising the development of Mardan has no right to practice politics in the district. He said that Abdul Wali Khan University, Bacha Khan Medical College, Agriculture and Engineering Universities are future of Mardan alongside the youth. He said that 63 years deprivation will be diminished. He said this while he was addressing local notables at Rorhya and Chamtar in Mardan on Monday.
MNA Himayat Ullah Mayar, ANP Provincial Vice President Engr. Abbas, District President Farooq Akram Khan, General Secretary Imran Mandori, President PK-23 Haji Shah Nawaz Khan, General Secretary Latif-ur-Rahman and large number of local notables were also present on the occasion.
The Chief Minister inaugurated newly built road costing Rs 5.6 million in union council Rorhya. The Chief Minister requested all the political parties to promote politics of services and assist him in collective development of Mardan. He expressed sorrow on critics not serving Mardan and even not allowing others to do so. He said that Abdul Wali Khan University is spreading light of knowledge in Mardan and its branches have spread to Bunair, Dir, Swabi, Nowshehra and Chitral. He said that future of youth and Mardan is linked to institutes of higher and professional education spread on an area of 5000 Kanal.
The Chief Minister said that net of city and link roads have been spread along with eastern and western by-passes which will usher revolution in lives of the people and economic activities. He said that service road to Jhanday will be constructed on both sides of Western by-pass while work on making Mardan-Charsadda Road, dual carriage has commenced. He said that work on Women Commerce College in Chamtar is speedily progressing while classes will start in three months in rented building.
Sher Akbar Khan, Haji Etebar Khan and Haji Bahadar Khan along with dozen companions and family members announced association to ANP on the occasion. The Chief Minister welcomed new party workers and offered them red caps. He thanked the people on warm welcome and participation in gathering despite heavy rain.
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