Attock Petroleum Limited (APL) has posted Rs 4.120 billion as profit after tax in the year ended June 30, 2012 as compared to Rs 4.256 billion earned in FY11. The company's earning per share stood at Rs 59.61 in the period under review against Rs 61.58 in the same period last year.
The board of directors of the company in its meeting held on Monday in Dubai, UAE recommended a final cash dividend for the year ended June 30, 2012 at Rs 32.50 per share ie 325 percent. This is in addition to interim cash dividend already paid at Rs 17.50 per share ie 175 per cent.
According to the financial results sent to Karachi Stock Exchange, the company's sales increased to Rs 176.812 billion in FY12 against Rs 127.036 billion in FY11. The company paid Rs 23.969 billion as sales tax in this period against Rs 17.642 billion paid in the same account last year. The company's cost of products sold increased to Rs 148.256 billion in FY12 against Rs 104.680 billion in FY11. The company's profit before taxation increased to Rs 5.646 billion in FY12 as compared to Rs 6.017 billion in FY11.
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