The profit after tax of Nishat Power Limited has increased to Rs 2.036 billion in the year ended June 30, 2012 (FY12) as compared to Rs 1.879 billion earned in FY11. The company's earning per share increased to Rs 5.752 in the period under review against Rs 5.307 in the same period last year.
The board of directors of the company in its meeting held on Monday at Lahore recommended a final cash dividend at Re 1.00 per share ie 10 percent for the year ended June 30, 2012. According to the financial results sent to Karachi Stock Exchange, the company's sales increased to Rs 21.090 billion in FY12 against Rs 20.986 billion in FY11 while the cost of sales increased to Rs 16.152 billion against Rs 16.108 billion. The company's profit before taxation stood at Rs 2.035 billion in FY12 against Rs 1.892 billion in FY11.
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