The Sindh Police on Tuesday arrested a proclaimed offender from outside the Supreme Court (SC) who has challenged the dual nationality of Interior Minister Rehman Malik along with other parliamentarians in the apex court. Syed Mehmud Akhtar Naqvi, a proclaimed offender and wanted by Sindh police in two different cases took refuge in the Supreme Court building last night because of which the police was unable to arrest him.
"Naqvi, a proclaimed offender entered the Supreme Court building last night to prevent his arrest," said Sijjad Haider Bukhari, Station House Officer (SHO) of the Secretariat Police Station. He said that Sindh police stood outside the court building till his arrest.
Syed Habib Ali, Inspector of Sindh police, who was heading a two-member, team deputed outside the Supreme Court building told Business Recorder that Naqvi was wanted by Sindh police in two cases registered against him by his neighbour in 2009 and 2010 at Shahrah-e-Faisal Police Station Karachi: one of extortion and another of brawling with his neighbour.
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