A countrywide protest was held on Thursday against the increasing targeted killing in Karachi on the appeal of the Ameer, Jamaat-i-Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hasan. Protest rallies were held in different cities including Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Multan, Hyderabad, and Faisalabad. The local JI leaders led the rallies.
The JI Ameer had given a call for strike especially on the brutal murder of JI worker Dr Pervez Mehmud and a citizen Abdul Wahid by police firing. The Karachi rally was led by the JI Sindh Chief Asadullah Bhutto and JI Karachi Chief, Muhammad Husain Mehnati. In Punjab capital the rally was staged at the Multan Road which was addressed by JI Lahore Chief, Amirul Azeem.
While addressing a press conference at Mansoora here on Wednesday Syed Munawar Hasan said that the situation in Karachi is being deteriorated under a well thought out plan. He termed the murder of Dr Pervez Mehmud and Abdul Wahid as worst form of terrorism.
He said that peace could not return to Karachi as long as the MQM remained a part of the government. He thanked the people of Karachi, the traders and the political and religious parties for making the strike successful. He said that the people of the port city are creating unity in order to free themselves from the grip of the extortionists and the target killers.
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