Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Amir Haider Khan Hoti on Wednesday approved the establishment of two dispensaries and 10 posts in this connection on non-developmental basis in Kotka Mubarik Din and Kotka Fazal Rahman Mandeu district Bannu. The newly approved posts included two each JCT (BPS-9), Ward Ardali (BPS-2), Dai/Aya (BPS-2), Chowkidar (BPS-1) and Sweeper (BPS-1). The establishment of dispensaries will make available first aid/treatment facilities to the people of the area.
Meanwhile, the chief minister also approved conversion of government Maktab Primary Schools in Torkhan Mama Khel, Shah Qiyaz Mama Khel and Jamil Norar in district Bannu to regular government primary schools on non-developmental basis and three posts each of PST (BPS-12) and Chowkidar (BPS-1) for these schools. He also approved Rs 1 million as grant-in-aid for Bunir Press Club.
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