More than 1,500 participants of eight protest rallies organised by religious, business and political groups, protested against an anti-Islam film in Multan on Wednesday. CPO Multan Aamer Zulfikar said, "More than 1,500 people including students and traders took part in the protest rallies on Wednesday and they burnt the US flag and portraits of US President Barrack Obama."
More than 250 activists of Muslim Students Federation organised a rally from BCG Chowk to SP Chowk and they burnt the portrait of US President Barrack Obama. The rally completed the distance of six kilometres in four hours. About 100 Students of Government College of Commerce marched to Chowk Dera Adda from Azmat Wasti Road.
Traders Organisations also organised a big rally and set the US flag on fire at Chowk Kumharan Wala and Gulgasht Colony. Javed Akhtar Shehzad Khurram, Mirza Alamgir, Riaz Hussain, Muhammad Abid, Malik Aasim Ayaz, Amir Muavia, Rana Habib-ullah and Shakil Khan led the rally. Clerical staff of different government, semi-government departments took out a procession from Bosan Town to Chowk Kutchery. More than 200 employees joined it. Heavy police contingent was deployed at a local hotel where foreign diplomats stayed to keep the protestors away.
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