A complete strike was observed in Karachi on Friday in connection with Ishq-e-Rasool (PBUH) Day. The countrywide protest launched against the blasphemous film. The entire city gave a deserted look throughout the day. Fuel and gas stations covered by tents also remained closed.
In the wake of the strike, public transport remained off the road while a very few private vehicles, rickshaws and motorcycles were seen on roads. However, thousands of protestors in buses, private vehicles and motorbikes took out rallies across the city to register a historic protest against anti-Islam film.
Major markets including Super Market, Rainbow Centre, Zainab Market, Bohri Bazaar, Hyderi Market, Agha Super Market, Tariq Road, KDA Market, Khajoor Market, Urdu Bazaar, Electronic Market, Empress Market etc, completely shuttered down. Small shops and markets however started opening by Friday evening.
The schedules of Pakistan International Airlines, Pakistan Railways and Intercity buses also reportedly remained disturbed the whole day. During the strike security was tight with Police and Rangers deployed across the city, mainly in the Red Zone area and the areas close to the US consulate.
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