
'Discord Leaks' reveal Pakistan’s declining support for US

  • Leaks show Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar saying Pakistan should 'no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and US'
  • Documents also reveal PM Shehbaz’s conversation regarding UN voting on Ukraine-Russia conflict
Published May 1, 2023

Documents recently leaked reveal Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar saying that Pakistan can “no longer try to maintain a middle ground between China and the United States" and "should avoid giving the appearance of appeasing the West".

The documents were leaked online through the Discord messaging platform and were published by The Washington Post.

Called 'The Discord Leaks', they "provide a glimpse into the private calculations by key emerging powers, including India, Brazil, Pakistan, and Egypt, as they attempt to straddle allegiances in an era when America is no longer the world’s unchallenged superpower," said the Post.

In an internal memo she titled 'Pakistan’s Difficult Choices', Khar said trying to preserve Pakistan’s partnership with the US threatens the country’s “real strategic” partnership with China.

The documents also reveal PM Shehbaz's conversation regarding the United Nations’ voting on the Ukraine and Russia conflict. The document, dated February 17, show that the government was concerned about renewed Western pressure to back a resolution condemning Russia’s invasion.

When the UN General Assembly voted, Pakistan was among the 32 countries that abstained.

One of his aides advised him that supporting the measure would signal a shift in Pakistan’s position following its earlier abstention on a similar resolution. They also said that Islamabad has the ability to negotiate trade and energy deals with Russia, and backing the resolution could jeopardize those ties.

As per the US news publication, Pakistani officials refused to comment on the matter. The leaked document comes at a time when the US has said that it has no objection to Pakistan’s decision to import oil from Moscow.

Meanwhile, the report also showed that India too is avoiding taking sides between Washington and Moscow. One leaked document details a February 22 conversation between Indian national security adviser Ajit Kumar Doval and his Russian counterpart, Nikolay Patrushev.

"Doval assured Patrushev of India’s support for Russia in multilateral venues and that New Delhi was working to ensure the war did not come up during a Group of 20 meetings chaired by India, despite considerable pressure to do so," as per The Washington Post.

Doval also cited India’s resistance to pressure to support the Western-backed UN resolution over Ukraine, saying his country “would not deviate from the principled position it had taken in the past.”


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Jonathan May 01, 2023 02:01pm
Leaks illustrate the total incompetence of crooks and corrupt Inc sponsored by the apoliticals!
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K Khan May 01, 2023 02:05pm
Forget about IMF lending us thanks to Khar's wisdom and worse to follow.
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Notsurprised May 01, 2023 02:28pm
After Niazi spending a year accusing the US and Donald Lu of regime change, maybe the US is not so hot on Pakistan either. Niazi has made sure to alienate Pakistan with ALL of its allies, friends and neighbours.
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Haq May 01, 2023 02:34pm
US / UN are formulating new global laws; - surrendering govt sovereignty to WHO - global central govt (17 points agenda) by 2030 - decriminalization of sex & drugs - promoting / enforcing LGBTQ (including in course of children's nurseries) & gender reassignment - AI to replace human intervention, in key decisions That's just a glimpse of upcoming future & alarm bells for Muslim Ummah. Pakistan has to set it's course in right direction & part ways from satanic (dajjali) global agenda
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Parvez May 01, 2023 02:41pm
The question is .... Thanks to our self serving leaders, does Pakistan even matter today ?
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Waqas May 01, 2023 04:07pm
@Notsurprised, may be u can make it hot again by offering ur haji in exchange for deal.
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Ardl May 01, 2023 07:09pm
The election system is unreliable in US. Two major Parties Dem. Vs GOP are two bulls trying to kill each other every four years. And lots of promises and Treaties get crushed. ( Iran Nuclear Treaty by Trump). EU is pegged to mighty US after WWII defeats. West has now become "White Club" Asia Africa Middle East and Latin America American have tasted flipflop of US. Pakistan in it's insignificant was belongs to east to survive. Hina Khar should stick to her gun.
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Tariq May 01, 2023 07:49pm
Goodbye IMF
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Javed May 01, 2023 08:34pm
When will imf give the loan? Ishaq Dar is fooling the people from months
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K Khan May 02, 2023 05:34am
Khar views are not acceptable to the US for sure. No wonder IMF deal not going through. We don't need this.
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Joe May 03, 2023 01:54pm
@K Khan, Nop! Its the DAR's incompetence and history of faking data!
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