Russia on Thursday put its weight behind Pakistan's stance on US drone strikes, saying that violation of the sovereignty of any state was unacceptable, besides agreeing to increase co-operation in several areas, including political and economic sectors. The visiting Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, was speaking at a joint news conference after holding talks with his Pakistani counterpart Hina Rabbani Khar during which the two sides pledged to explore new avenues to strengthen bilateral relations.
"Once again, we have to confirm our is not acceptable to violate sovereignty and integrity of any sovereign state," Lavrov said while explaining Moscow's stance on the US drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal areas. Earlier, Foreign Minister Khar said that drone attacks were not only counterproductive, but also illegal and unlawful, as well as violation of Pakistan's sovereignty. She stressed the need for finding ways and means to counter terrorism within legal means. "If the objective of the drone strikes is to end terrorism then Pakistan supports that objective, but ways and means to achieve this objective must be legal and lawful and must not be counter-productive," Khar said while clarifying her remarks made in the US about drone strikes.
The Foreign Minister also conveyed to her Russian counterpart that there was broad national consensus among political forces and the people of Pakistan in improving relations with the Russian Federation. She pointed out that this aspect was well-articulated in parliamentary recommendations governing foreign policy of the country.
She said the two sides had an extensive review of the scope of co-operation within the economic framework. She said that there was convergence of views on regional and international issues, including the situation in Afghanistan, Syria and Libya and the Iranian nuclear programme. She also expressed the optimism that in the next few months the two sides will be able to move beyond MoUs and go to specific projects within these areas. She said there was convergence of views between the two countries on issues of regional and international importance.
Khar said the Pakistan-Russia ties entered a "new era" of bilateral relations with the visit of President Asif Ali Zardari to Moscow in May this year. She said that her Russian counterpart, who earlier discussed the whole range of bilateral relations covering the political and economic spheres, said there was a consensus that the joint projects on which the two countries worked in the 20th century must see more collaboration in the 21st century.
She recalled that only recently the two countries signed three memorandums of understanding (MoUs) on expansion and modernisation of Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM)‚ co-operation in Railways sector and energy field. Khar further said that both the sides also agreed that it will be a useful opportunity for Presidents of the two countries to meet shortly. "The political leadership of the two countries has the commitment and resolve to strengthen bilateral ties," she added.
Responding to a question about postponement of President Vladimir Putin's Pakistan visit, Foreign Minister Lavrov said that the Russian President had already conveyed to his Pakistani counterpart that he was unable to visit the country because of "tough schedule". He also declined to comment on media reports about the deferment of Putin's visit, saying that he had also expressed his desire to have meeting between the two Presidents at the earliest.
Lavrov also backed Pakistan's stance on Afghanistan‚ saying there should be national reconciliation and the process should be driven by Afghans themselves, as any solution imposed from outside would not work. He said that he was satisfied with the substance of negotiations he held with his Pakistani counterpart.
When asked whether Russia being a close friend of India will mediate between the two countries to resolve Kashmir issue, said India and Pakistan were capable of settling issues through bilateral discussions without outside help. "We discussed this issue. We welcome steps Pakistan and India have taken on confidence-building measures. Both countries are capable of settling their issues on their own without any foreign help," he added.
He said that his country supported President Zardari's proposed conference on drugs trafficking, adding that Moscow also supported Islamabad's efforts to address the challenge of terrorism. About the Turkey and Syria cross-border attacks, the Russian Foreign Minister said that Moscow was concerned about the deteriorating situation on border between Syria and Turkey.
"As far as the incident between Syria and Turkey goes, it is of great concern for us. The situation is deteriorating with each passing day," he added. Lavrov stated that Syrian authorities told Russian officials that "what happened at the border with Turkey was a tragic accident, and that it will not happen again". He hoped that Turkey and Syria will re-establish their communication channels to resolve the issue amicably.
However, referring to the Wednesday twin terrorists attacks in Aleppo, he said that that at the same time they could not ignore the situation inside Syria. He also urged the international community to condemn the terrorists' attacks inside the Syria, saying that UN Security Council always uses to condemn such terrorists attacks. "These terrorists attacks are also of great concern for us," he added.
APP adds: Responding to a question on postponement of Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Pakistan to attend the quadrilateral summit, the Russian Foreign Minister said the reason was Putin's "tight schedule". He said President Putin had sent a message to President Asif Zardari about his unability to visit Islamabad due to busy schedule.
He dispelled the impression that the postponement linked to any misunderstanding with Pakistan. Khar said Pakistan was very keen to receive President Putin and clarified that it was only due to the tight schedule and "nothing more and nothing less." She said in diplomacy, a single visit does not define the scope of relationships between the states. She termed the visit on Russian foreign minister a very positive indication following the postponement of Putin's visit.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2012

Copyright Associated Press of Pakistan, 2012


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