Despite his seemingly profound ordeal, Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has emerged as a battle-hardened politician in the country. In a message that he has posted on official account on X, he has expressed dismay over the ongoing legal battles including Toshakhana, Cypher, and Iddat cases, terming them as completely politically motivated.
Little does he, however, appreciate the fact that facing ‘frivolous’ cases is something that adds to a politician’s stature and standing. Having said that, I would like to tell Imran that there is a legitimate context to his current hardships. And he is very well aware of the reasons behind his predicament. But “this shall too pass”.
He needs to be told that his perseverance will certainly pay off and he will ultimately get what he has planned to achieve. He is a leader who has always thought about the country’s future with imagination or wisdom.
He has millions of his admirers at home and abroad, including former US President Donald Trump whose prospects for his return to the White House have brightened in recent weeks.
Regardless of the merits or demerits of Imran’s grievances, his support seems to have increased in recent days and weeks at an incredible pace. Although he’s in jail, he seems to be at the height of his popularity.
Mirza, Lahore
Copyright Business Recorder, 2024
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