LAHORE: Allied Bank, in collaboration with Teamup Ventures, announces the third episode of its series of Fintech Hackathons. Following the success of the first two hackathons, that witnessed the emergence of groundbreaking startups, Allied Bank and Teamup Ventures are once again bringing together innovators and entrepreneurs to drive digital transformation in the banking sector.
The Allied Bank Fintech Hackathon will continue its tradition of fostering innovation and collaboration among participants. With a focus on addressing key challenges and opportunities in the Fintech landscape, this year’s hackathon will feature four thematic areas:
Innovative Authentication Mechanisms
Transforming ‘myABL’ into an ‘Integrated Digital Platform’
Integrating Generative Artificial Intelligence to Improve Banking Services & Customer Experience
Leveraging SBP’s Raast Payment
The Hackathon will provide participants with a platform to develop and showcase innovative solutions that cater to the evolving needs of customers in the digital age. Allied Bank’s continued efforts to host these hackathons underscores its commitment to driving innovation and delivering exceptional digital experiences to its customers.
Reflecting on the success of the previous Hackathons, Mohsin Mithani, Chief Digital Officer at Allied Bank Limited, commented, “The Fintech Hackathon has been instrumental in fostering innovation and nurturing emerging talent in the Fintech ecosystem. Such events provide an excellent opportunity to engage with the broader Fintech community and explore innovative solutions that can drive meaningful change in the banking industry.We look forward to seeing the groundbreaking solutions that participants will develop this year.”
Copyright Business Recorder, 2024
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