LAHORE: Inspector General of Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, paid a visit to the Chinese Consulate General Office where he met with Chinese Consul General Zhao Shiren. Accompanying the IG Punjab were DIG Special Protection Unit Muntazir Mehdi, DIG Operations Lahore Faisal Kamran, and CTO Amara Athar.

The meeting primarily focused on discussing security concerns regarding Chinese citizens, engineers, experts, and business delegations in Punjab.

Dr Usman Anwar emphasized that the security of Chinese experts and citizens is of greatest importance for the department, reaffirming Punjab police's unwavering commitment to safeguarding them.

He highlighted the vigilant stance of the Special Protection Unit (SPU) in ensuring the security of Chinese citizens and experts across the province. Furthermore, Dr. Usman Anwar underscored the enhanced security measures implemented for Chinese residents, including tightened patrolling by Punjab Police and the Punjab Highway Patrol team, along the traffic routes frequent Chinese citizens.

The IG Punjab also noted the heightened security measures in place for the residences, offices, and working sites of Chinese citizens, emphasizing the concerted efforts to bolster their safety. Additionally, he acknowledged the invaluable support extended by China to Punjab Police in terms of information sharing, modern training, and capacity building.

In response, the Chinese Consul General expressed satisfaction with the security arrangements provided by the Punjab Police for Chinese experts and citizens involved in various projects, particularly the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Consul General Zhao Shiren lauded the Punjab Police for their commendable efforts in ensuring the safety of Chinese citizens, underscoring the significance of their collaborative endeavours.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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