“So the same o same o.” “Yep, but there is one major change.” “Oh, that a former president of the US has been convicted for the first time in their history.”

“Finally! In the Land of the Pure, prime ministers are convicted not once, twice…”

“Many more times than the number of times Julius Caesar refused the crown offered.”

“For your information, Caesar did refuse it thrice, but was he or wasn’t he nonetheless the main decision maker till his assassination?”

“Right anyway, just one factoid from our history. The convictions began in 2017 so not that far back, while previously allegations were made, but there were no convictions.”

“You reckon till 2017 the stakeholders weren’t sure that they may need to resurrect at some point in future - what with only two national parties - while post 2017 the emergence of a third party made the need for any resurrection kinda superfluous.”

“And yet there has been one resurrection already; and one more to go only.”

“But you know the prosecution’s cases are falling by the wayside.”

“You reckon its incompetence or deliberate?”

“I reckon overconfidence in that there is no need to work hard as things will fall into place courtesy whatever!”

“But they aren’t falling into place, are they?”

“You know that, I know that, but perhaps this information has not yet filtered…”

“Don’t be facetious.”

“Right my friend anyway the US has not yet come full circle. The appeal has not yet been filed but will be, so the guilty verdict may well be overturned.”

“I was just thinking of a reform in the judicial system - no not to promote on the basis of seniority or whatever but to do what the Americans do - you know get a jury to pass the verdict, a jury of our peers…”

“A jury would be easier to manipulate than say members of the judiciary given our high unemployment levels many jurors would be unemployed so more susceptible to bribes and not that high a bribe either and…”

“Ha ha, good point but so very unrealistic in the Land of the Pure.”

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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