KARACHI: The Sindh Assembly on Thursday opened its discussion on budget 2024-25 with treasury benches seeking an improved technical education, besides teachers’ availability for kids at the governments’ schools.

Bibi Yasmeen Shah - a lady legislator of the ruling PPP urged her party’s government to undertake work on technical education in Badin, saying that one teacher serves 100 students in her constituency.

She asked the government to implement budgetary steps to solve education problems in the province. Besides, she also said the government should also spare emergency funds for embankments protection for the future rains since they were washed away in the last torrential downpour in Badin.

She also clamored over the poor services at the Badin civil hospital, complaining that doctors do not appear to see patients. The PPP lawmaker proposed a committee to keep an eye on hospitals services in her constituency.

MQM’s female legislator - Bilqees Mukhtar highlighted scores of problems that the city is facing, topping with water scarcity for the citizens on a daily basis. She told the house that Karachi faces 54 MGD water shortage.

She said that the budget propositions failed to help solve water issues for Karachi, adding that the government shunned taking the opposition onboard during the fiscal plan preparations. Bilqees urged the PPP rule to focus on building of the K-IV water project.

Muhammad Farooq Awan of the PPP wished the budget should have envisioned skill development educational schemes with steps for the law and order improvement as a top priority. However, PPP’s Saima Agha appreciated the government for a huge budget allocation to solar power projects.

Dr Sohrab Khan Sarki of the PPP lauded her party rule for the “balanced budget”, saying that the government is constructing 127,000 houses for the flood affected people of rural Sindh with a polytechnic college and a bus terminal in his constituency.

Sirbuland Khan, PTI-backed lawmaker regretted that the budget fell short to earmark water project for his constituency, censuring the K-Electric for its 12-hour power cuts. MQM’s Abdul Basit also lamented the fiscal plan with no water uplift schemes for Karachi.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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