KARACHI: The opposition blamed the PPP government for its discrimination against Karachi while treasury said that the uplift projects in the province are unparallel.

The house held its sixth straight budget 2024-25 discussion with opposition leader, Ali Khurshidi said the PPP rule, which runs into its 16th year, has discriminated against Karachi. He complained the government never sought budget proposals from the opposition.

He said that the proposed water project - K4 has never seen a start to help the citizens find improved supply of drinking water and blamed the PPP government for lacking a clear intent towards it. He dismissed the government’s claims of “huge” uplift work, saying that all schemes are continuing incomplete into this day.

He asked about the Dhabeji Special Economic Zone status, saying that every fiscal budget has been envisaging this project since 2021 but still far from completion. This budget too mentions this project, he said that all uplift projects are confined only to documents.

The budget 2021 announced to start a hub canal project, Khurshidi questioned that the next fiscal year plan still highlights the initiative. A proposed NED technology park was announced in 2019 but it could not see completion even till this day, he added.

Muhammad Shabbir Qureshi, the PTI backed lawmaker criticized the PPP government for an unreal claims on health and education sectors development, saying that the official speeches on these departments evolved a fantasy as if “I am in the US or Europe”.

He said the corruption had plagued the Jinnah hospital services, besides asking the government to mention its development work other than Gambat Institute Of Medical Sciences and NIVCD health projects. He said that the NGOs are running the civil hospital and SIUT.

Sindh Information Minister, Sharjeel Inam Memon urged the house to cooperate with one another to meet the public inspirations for solving their long-running problems and desired development. He told the house that his department has evolved a good relation with media houses and journalists in a bid to facilitate them.

“People sitting in the assembly have the responsibility to work for solving the public problems,” he said and added that the PPP government has a strong belief in serving the public. He told the legislature that the government’s ministers are ready for the accountability.

He said that the Sindh cabinet has approved the drug tests of schoolchildren, which will start with the parents consents. The results of these tests will only be available to the parents as confidential, he told the house. In so far, he said that 150 drugs sellers, who were wanted in 135 cases, have been arrested.

He called a Rs78 billion of redline BRT transport project a “ big gift” to Karachi. The peoples bus service is starting in Shaheed Benazirabad soon. About excise revenues target for the next fiscal year, he said that it is Rs203 billion. He said that an amendment to the motor vehicles ordinance is coming to bar the nonregistered transportation from roads.

Sindh Local Government Minister, Saeed Ghani said that the government cannot solve water scarcity problem through its annual development program, hoping a project “Karachi water sector improvement program” at a cost of $1600 million will help end the issue.

He acknowledged that the city receives water less than half of its needs, saying that the government has earmarked Rs5 billion to develop the hub canal to increase the supply.

He said that his department has marked 1137 different schemes with an overall Rs74 billion budget portfolio.

Sindh Home Minister, Zia ul Hassan Lanjar said that the government has outlined its “utmost priority” to restore law and order with an “uncompromising” intent. He said that the police department has a Rs16.3 billion of budget with 119,000 personnel strength. He said that 42000 posts for constables are still vacant.

He said one police personnel designated on 594 individuals in Sindh, adding that this department needs a development in line with the global standards. Budget for Rangers stands at Rs5 billion annually to back up police in Sindh. Police and Rangers are carrying out a joint operation against bandits in Kachha area, he added.

Former Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah called his government’s development achievements over the past 15 years “unparallel”, saying that the opponents cannot even carry out such uplift works in 100 years.

In a policy statement on the Sukkur Barrage gate destruction, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah told the assembly that a Chinese company is working on the barrage project, which said, is nearing completion. He added that the government through its efforts has successfully controlled the water level of the barrage.

He said Sukkur Barrage gate had previously collapsed in December 1982, saying that the current project aims to prevent such incidents in the future. He expected a rise in Indus River water flow in June and July, announcing that the gate will be ready by July 20.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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