The Met Office has forecast rains for Karachi from today till 10th of July. Though these much-needed showers are welcome, I’m already concerned about the situation that will emerge after rains in this city of teeming millions.

Not only will power outages increase, the thoroughfares will become swimming pools in many neighbourhoods. Rains will also cause traffic snarls on a massive scale, result in flooding, flight delays and road damages. Be that as it may, the city government led by Barrister Murtaza Wahab is expected to rise to the challenge in a meaningful manner.

Its relevant departments must finalize and revisit, wherever necessary, planning and preparations so as to minimize the impact of the likely havoc the rains may cause. Needless to say, Karachi’s civic infrastructure is already in tatters at various places.

Rains could add to the city’s civic woes. Hence the need for taking all the required steps aimed at dealing with the challenge of rains in an effective manner.

Itrat Saleem

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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