TEXT: The theme set this year for World Population Day 2024 is very important as it focuses on the availability, quality, accessibility and use of Data which can help in setting policy direction for advancing gender equality, for improving women's access to reproductive care, and for reduction in maternal death as well as achievement of FP-2030 goals. Improvements in data collection and analysis, as well as technology, increases the availability of more comprehensive and precise information, enabling societies the world over to measure and achieve goals related to good health and the fulfillment of rights and choices.

The government of Sindh believes that investment in data collection is actually investment in human development, therefore, Sindh gives utmost importance to quality data. In this connection, to collect FP users' data, Sindh has introduced Electronic Client Record which provides various variables. Maternal, Perinatal Death Surveillance response at PPHI provide details of maternal and perinatal mortality, DHIS (District Health Information System) at District Health Hospitals, Data information Systems at Women Department, Education Department etc are some significant efforts that will help realization of SDG 2030. The reliable data help improve participation of half of the world population in decision making not only about their health, reproductive lives and family size but it will also safeguard vulnerability of women and girls to violence, harmful practices and preventable maternal death. Sindh pursues FP-2030 targets to bring CPR to 47% by 2025 and 57% by 2030. Sindh envisions to reshape the lives of women, men, girls, youth and adolescents from villages to cities and from remotest rural terrain to peri-urban and urban settings through rights-based approach for women empowerment, access to high quality modern contraceptives, relevant legislation, life skills, health and hygiene for young and adolescents with interventions within health, population, education and social sectors. Thus, creating an enabling environment, so as to ensure transformation of social and gender norms - hallmark of a progressive society.

With an aim to broaden the focus, the Population Welfare Department Sindh has established FP2030 Working Group and revised Costed Implementation Plan (CIP), strengthened Supply Chain System, maintained Contraceptive Commodity Security, holistically engaged private partners, shifted client paper-based client data to electronic client recording and last but not the least shifted focus from rural to urban areas where CPR is reported to be low in PDHs 2017.

Sindh FP2030 Working Group and Sindh’s Population Taskforce meetings are attended by representatives of public and private sector stakeholders to discuss population issues for tangible results. Both departments, Health and Population, under one Minister are fostering functional integration. The Tertiary Care Hospitals have started FP&RH Services with support of Population Welfare Department. The PPFP (Post Pregnancy Family Planning) and PAFP (Post Abortive Family Planning) was required to be focused for many years. These services at TCHs will help improve health of women.

The World Population Day gives us an opportunity to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to create enabling environment, where women are empowered to choose if and when to build the families they want and where they have easy and affordable access to Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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