Gold prices in Pakistan registered gains for the fifth consecutive session on Thursday in line with the increase in the international rate. In the local market, gold price per tola hit Rs254,000 – a record high in Pakistan – after a massive single-day gain of Rs4,600.
The 10-gram gold was sold at Rs217,764 after it registered an increase of Rs3,944, according to rates shared by the All-Pakistan Gems and Jewellers Sarafa Association (APGJSA).
On Saturday, gold price per tola increased by Rs400 in Pakistan.
It is pertinent to mention that gold rates were not available on Monday, while the markets remained close on Tuesday and Wednesday, on account of Muharram holidays.
The international rate of gold increased on Thursday. As per APGJSA, the rate was at $2,470 per ounce (with a premium of $20) after it gained $60 during the day.
Meanwhile, silver rates remained unchanged at Rs2,900 per tola.
Back in April, gold hit the then all-time high of Rs252,200 per tola in the local market.
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