ISLAMABAD: The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Pakistan, Wednesday, while condemning the assassination of Hamas Political Wing Chief Ismail Haniyeh in Iranian capital Tehran by Israeli strike has decided to postpone planned protest sit-in outside the Governor’s House, Sindh and announced it will hold funeral prayers in absentia for Ismail Haniyeh at MA Jinnah Road in Karachi at 5pm Thursday (today).

Speaking to media persons at Liaquat Bagh Rawalpindi, JI chief Hafiz Naeemur Rehman expressed deep grief and sorrow over the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh. He termed assassination of Ismail Haniyeh as naked Israeli terrorism, saying that such cowardly acts of the Zionist entity will not help Israel in stopping the just struggle of the Palestinians; rather it will speed up their struggle.

JI also held funeral prayers in absentia for Ismail Haniyeh at Liaquat Bagh and D-Chowk Islamabad, which was attended by a large number of people.

JI chief also strongly condemned the US and the Western world for supplying weapons and financial support to Israel. He reiterated that his party will continue protest against the skyrocketing inflation, especially over inflated electricity bills which have made lives of common people miserable.

Responding to a question, he said that no court or judge is allowed to provide extraordinary relief in violation of the constitution to Qadyanis, asking the Supreme Court of Pakistan to address the flaws in recent judgement regarding permission to Qadyanis to hold their meetings within walls.

Meanwhile, during the second round of talks between the JI and the government, the government has sought more time from the JI leadership to reach a conclusion. JI Deputy Chief Liaquat Baloch, following the negotiations, while talking to media persons, said that the government’s negotiating team did not disagree with any of their points and assured them of positive progress.

The talks were held at the Commissioner’s Office in Rawalpindi with the government’s negotiating team and a technical team participated. The government’s negotiating team included Tariq Fazal Chaudhary and Amir Muqam, while the JI was led by Liaquat Baloch.

Baloch said that the government’s negotiating team had requested the end of the sit-in, but the JI had made it clear that the sit-in would continue. They emphasised their commitment to not disappointing the people and stressed the need for relief for the public.

Baloch stated that this was not a ‘game of committees’ and that the government needed to take concrete action.

He demanded a reduction in electricity and petrol prices, stating that this was a clear and unambiguous demand. He expressed his disappointment with the lack of seriousness in the second round of talks, implying that they would have ended the talks immediately if they had not seen any progress.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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