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Capacity payments: Imran Khan govt extended favour to some IPPs: minister

  • This was done through amending arbitration clause in agreement instead of starting further probe in light of recommendations of Muhammad Ali’s report on IPPs
Published August 7, 2024

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Power, Sardar Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari on Tuesday accused detained former prime minister Imran Khan’s cabinet of extending favour to seven to eight Independent Power Producers (IPPs) through amending arbitration clause in agreement instead of starting further probe in light of recommendations of Muhammad Ali’s report on IPPs.

Power Minister shared this information in reply to a question raised by Senator Syed Shibli Faraz, opposition leader in Senate at a meeting of the Committee presided over by Senator Mohsin Aziz.

Minister said that there are four aspects of a project; i.e., fixed charges (capacity charges) which are based on interest, interest on interest, Return on Equity (RoE) and fixed O&M, and these can be played around to find some space to earn less or more, legally or illegally.

Independent Power Producers: PML-N accused of trapping country through ‘unfavourable’ deals

He said one and a half month before the ongoing sit-in, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif issued instructions leading to serious ongoing work on these four aspects and a comprehensive report will be shared with the Committee. It has been initiated as a study and each aspect of the agreement is being looked into minutely.

The minister argued that reference was made to the forensic report of 2019 or 2020 of Muhammad Ali, newly appointed Special Assistant to the then Prime Minister. He said, Muhammad Ali’s report was preliminary work and as per record he did not conduct heat forensic of those projects.

“Please note, Muhammad Ali report was preliminary and went through some of the IPPs, whose heat rate had not been conducted, and it had suggested further probe and investigation,” he said, adding that a full-ledged audit of the matter should be conducted.

Minister argued that the author himself has acknowledged that he could not reach a final conclusion, and suggested that the matter needs further probe and investigation and full-fledged audit of the entire matter be conducted.

However, PTI’s government on the basis of that report started negotiations with IPPs on Master Agreements and presented it before the Cabinet which changed the platform of arbitration due to which further investigation of that issued stopped.

“If PTI government had further investigated the matter on the basis of Muhammad Ali Report, it could have provided basic platform to get excess earned money back and do away with those IPPs but that process was not done. When you surrender your right of international arbitration and proceed half way, this inflicts further financial loss on the people,” the Minister added.

Minister assured the Committee that whatever benefits, even Rs 5 per unit from IPPs contracts, will be passed on to the public.

However, according to sources, during in-camera briefing, Power Division apprised the Committee that a comprehensive audit of all factors of IPPs contracts is under way and all tools will be used to bring their profits down to lower the existing tariff.

Other relief measures to be given to consumers were also shared with the Committee but kept secret due to the understanding with the IMF.

The Committee was informed that capacity payment is limited to currently installed capacity of 39,000MW as a few plants have already been retired.

Standing Committee was further informed that five expensive plants of 2500-MW are also shut down. Guddu Power Plant and Nandipur plant are being privatised, Discos will be privatised and electricity market will be opened as government wants to do away with electricity business.

Secretary Power briefed the Committee that out of 236 billion units’ generation per annum, the country uses only 130 billion units due to which the government is compelled to pay capacity payment for 100 billion units.

He said K-Electric is generating expensive electricity due to which federal government has earmarked subsidy of Rs 170 billion for FY 2024-25.

Power Minister said that 230-MMCFD gas is being supplied to captive power plants which will be diverted to power sector to lower consumers’ tariff.

It was further stated that local industry cross-subsided domestic consumers with Rs 244 billion which has now been reduced. Domestic consumers using up to 400 units per month are given a subsidy of Rs 595 billion which has now reached Rs 692 billion.

Minister said that Rupee/ dollar parity, KIBOR and LIBOR are main factors behind current hike in capacity payment of power plants.

In reply to a question, Power Division informed the Committee that free electricity of Rs 15 billion is being given to 190,000 employees of WAPDA, Discos and Gencos.

Furthermore, the Secretary (Power Division) highlighted the power sector reforms, electricity supply and demand, and generation capacity, complexities of capacity planning, and staggering / abolishment of committed power plants.

Chairman of the Committee, emphasised the importance of resolving the issues with IPPs, which have become a significant burden for the nation. He highlighted that the primary problem is overpricing, making electricity unaffordable for the common man.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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Raja Abrar Aug 07, 2024 06:09am
Govt need to establish a high powered committee to probe the causes of PKR depreciation from 112 to 280 in 3 years besides rise of interest rates from 7% to 22% during the same period. Everything else will then fall in place
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Aam Aadmi Aug 07, 2024 08:22am
Did this Minister come to know of this fact only now? Where has he been all this time? They disclose such facts only when there is a 'dharna' and a 'danda' over their head. What's wrong with us?
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Ali Aug 07, 2024 09:38am
Look, who is talking... Thugs, Corrupts & incompotents are blaming Imran Khan..... They should be thankful to PTI Govt., which negotiated & restricted some IPPs to 1 USD = Rs. 148 This Govt. is joker
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KU Aug 07, 2024 10:20am
It doesn't matter who contributed how much in IPPs plunder of Pakistan, people seek solutions to their miseries, n its not coming. Time is not on anyone's side or foolery, suffering is unbearable now.
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Zia Ullah Khan Aug 07, 2024 11:33am
The best way to fix responsibility of this mess to make public all the IPPs agreements with all subsequent amendments starting from HUBCO and its three amendments even before commercial production.
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Mr Leghari . Were you sleeping all along ?
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Arif Aug 07, 2024 01:05pm
And this Newspaper for some strange reason thought fit to run this news as its headline. Talk about journalistic ethics .
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:33pm
The conflicting statements of Owais Leghari, the Federal Minister for Energy, and former minister Gohar Ejaz regarding electricity prices have captivated public interest.
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:34pm
The media is broadcasting their debate, entertaining the masses as they vie for public sympathy. To resolve this issue definitively,
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:35pm
To resolve this issue definitively, they should be brought face-to-face in a public debate, similar to the U.S.
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:36pm
they should be brought face-to-face in a public debate, similar to the U.S. presidential debates, and not allowed to leave until a conclusion is reached on who the true victor is.
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:37pm
The public, burdened by high electricity bills, is eagerly watching this contest of good intentions. If their patience wears thin, they may take to the streets in protest,
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:39pm
And neither the private power plants nor those imposing unfair taxes will be spared. Therefore, it is imperative to expose and hold accountable those responsible for these oppressive agreements.
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:41pm
Owais Leghari argues in favor of filling the coffers of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) through electricity bills, insisting that whether or not the public receives relief, they are obligated to,
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:43pm
They are obligated to pay these power producers. On the other hand, Gohar Ejaz claims that these power plants receive payments based on their capacity to produce electricity,
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:44pm
Even if they do not generate any. He argues that these plants have the capacity to produce more electricity than Pakistan needs and are paid accordingly,
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:45pm
Suggesting that payments should be made based on actual production and that undue taxes on bills should be eliminated.
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Mumtaz Malik Aug 07, 2024 02:47pm
@Aam Aadmi, hahahhhahahahh Good analyis and observation KHASS AADMI .................
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imdad kolori Aug 07, 2024 03:30pm
Bro stop talking and start doing. Atleast IK renogitiated the ROE, O&M and debt components of IPPS. what are you doing , stop talking and start doing or stop this PDM nonsense.
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Logical Being Aug 07, 2024 05:13pm
Look at the priorities of this min.The task should be to apprehend the off who were part and parcel in sign such horrible agreements with the IPPs.Surely they will get due share in the hereafter IA.
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Khawaja Arif Mahood wni Aug 08, 2024 10:16am
it will be highly appriciated by people of Pakistan if govt published IPP's name with their owerner insider/outsider.
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