“The US airwaves are focused on the reasons why Kamala Harris chose Tim Walz as her running mate.”

“Right and all Democrats are praising her decision, reminds me of the time when The Man Who Must Remain Nameless and Faceless was the prime minister. All stakeholders were praising all his decisions – the good, the bad and the ugly.”

“The ugly?”

“The lobbyists who are from all walks of life and who slavishly praise the decisions of the prime minister, and in the event of his downfall, shift their loyalties in less time than it takes to…to…”

“Blink an eye.”

“Nah, blinking is for the undecided, less time than it takes to hold a press conference.” “I get you – the chair one occupies for however short a period of time, though our prime ministers are singularly obtuse when it comes to projecting the period they have to occupy the chair….”

“That’s only politician specific. What about extensions and….”

“I would narrow it down, it’s only party leader specific, I mean all others seem to float from one administration to the next, even those with no political affiliations – the Brown Pope…”

“Right, but occupying a seat generates supporters amongst the powerful and sycophants amongst the hangers on.”

“Going back to Harris, I actually think that her decision will be severely criticized if she loses the elections and loses Pennsylvania, because she bypassed the shortlisted Shapiro who could reportedly deliver Pennsylvania, a swing state…”

“What I don’t understand is the euphoria of the Democrats with first her selection by Biden, whose mental acumen is what led the party to force him to withdraw from the race…why are you laughing?”

“I tell you, the US is going the Pakistan route!”

“And she was not a popular vice president and whatever she touched, particularly immigration, she turned to metal…”

“I say again the US is going our route – the Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi is still a member of the cabinet in spite of the damage he did to the economy, the Brown pope is still chairing the Pakistan Cricket Board even after our team’s ignominious defeat and don’t forget his other hat, the Interior Ministry is on autopilot…”

“I resent that! It isn’t on autopilot. We have The ten-year visionary, Ahsan Iqbal, The Khawaja and the man with the most annoying voice of an Information Minister ever dealing with the protests and the….”

“Right, no vacuum remains, it is always filled.”


Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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