Foreign exchange reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) increased by $19 million on a weekly basis, clocking in at $9.3 billion as of August 16, data released on Thursday showed.

Total liquid foreign reserves held by the country stood at $14.67 billion. Net foreign reserves held by commercial banks stood at $5.37 billion.

The central bank did not specify a reason for the increase in the reserves.

“During the week ended on 16-Aug-2024, SBP reserves increased by US$ 19 million to US$ 9,291.8 million,” it said.

Last week, SBP foreign exchange reserves increased by $119 million.


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SAd Aug 22, 2024 07:49pm
Recently dollar has fallen against peer currencies and in Pakistan it remained same and we needed to pay debts during last two months. So Gov is purchasing USD from Market to keep reserves above $9b
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