LAHORE: The Customs department has failed to prove tampering with the digits of the chassis of a crane confiscated on the presumption of smuggling, said sources.

The department had alleged that the chassis number of the vehicle was self-made/fake-digits by the owner.

However, the owner was of the view that manual punching of the chassis number did not suggest any action of tampering/manipulation of the chassis as the concerned local auto manufacturing/assembling company invariably inscribes the chassis numbers on its locally produced chassis frames by way of manual proficiency.

Furthermore, the owner had also placed record on the basis of registration of the vehicle in question evidencing that the same was purchased from the concerned local manufacturing/assembling company, which invariably uses to punch/inscribe the chassis numbers on locally produced vehicles by way of manual proficiency.

Interestingly, said sources, the owner of the vehicle had also offered the department to get documents and manual punching of the chassis number checked from the company, which was not done by the said Collectorate, a clear deviation from the provisions of the law. Once the owner having discharged his burden of proof, it was on the Collectorate to controvert the same but it failed to negate the registration of the vehicle with the concerned registration authority.

It is also worth noting that even the Forensic Science Laboratory had not suggested any act of tampering. In absence of any report that digits of the chassis were disturbed by making any tampering with it, the confiscation of locally assembled vehicle was not in accordance with law and facts.

It is further worth mentioning that the staff of the department issued a detention memo at the time of seizure without assigning any charge with respect to its chassis. According to the owner of the vehicle, it was a rowing inquiry with the aim and object to shoot in the dark and getting something in reward.

Therefore, the relevant appellate forum set aside the show cause notice and directed the department to release the crane unconditionally.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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