EDITORIAL: Although the UNHCR supports the return of Afghan refugees to their country, the issue comes up now and again, especially since Pakistan started repatriating undocumented Afghans last November.

A UN delegation led by Special Representative for Afghanistan, Indrika Ratwatte, called on Interior Minister Mohisn Naqvi the other day. During the meeting Ratwatte praised Pakistan for hosting the refugees and its participation in the Doha talks, saying the UN is closely working with the Afghan government for permanent rehabilitation of Afghan refugees.

The minister’s remarks, however, suggest that the delegation also expressed concern over Islamabad’s repatriation decision. While stressing the need for the UN and international community’s role in the rehabilitation of refugees, he mentioned the use of Afghan soil by TTP terrorists to launch attacks into Pakistan, and asserted that no one can be allowed to stay in the country without legal documents.

He assured the delegation, though, that no action was being taken against individuals holding legal documents, but added Afghan nationals who had been issued Afghan Citizen cards will be repatriated in the soon to start second phase of the drive to expel aliens. In the third phase, those holding UNHC’s Proof of Registration cards will also be sent home.

Rights groups who have been agitating against the deportations describing them a violation of the international humanitarian law would not be pleased to hear any of this. For, during the last over 40 years ordinary Afghans have faced too much suffering and displacement because of two wars imposed by the US, a protracted internecine conflict in between, brutal suppression at the hands of the Taliban regime, and mindless violence perpetrated by various terrorist groups such as the IS-K and Al-Qaeda.

The blowback from these destructive events has impacted Pakistan in different forms, including massive inflow of migrants. Since the US’ first proxy war in Afghanistan against the erstwhile Soviet Union, Pakistan has been a gracious host to some three million Afghan refugees. In the following years, more and more have kept fleeing their country to escape war and terrorism.

After the Taliban came to power an estimated 600,000 Afghans arrived in this country. Only 1.32 million of them — some reports put the figure at 2.18 million — are registered with the UN High Commission for Refugees, the rest are unaccounted for. Indeed, they all deserve sympathy and support. But the presence of so many foreign nationals not only creates social tensions it is also a serious security threat.

Many of those involved in terrorist attacks on security forces as well as civilians have turned out to be Afghan nationals. Facilitating them and TTP terrorists are also their sympathizers, hiding among the Afghan refugees.

No state can afford to let asylum seekers put the lives of its own people at risk. Pakistan thus is justified in repatriating the Afghan refugees. The UN and the international community should help Islamabad with their safe and dignified return, and ensure proper rehabilitation of these unfortunate people in their country.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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