Sindh Police on Friday announced the immediate suspension of 12 more of its officers on “inappropriate viral videos on different social media platforms”.

Inspector General (IG) of Police Sindh Ghulam Nabi Memon ordered the suspension of the officers for posting videos on TikTok, as per an official post from Sindh Police on Facebook.

The development comes a day after Sindh Police suspended 6 officers for “making TikTok videos while wearing police uniform”.

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Earlier this week, IG Sindh issued strict orders for action against police officers who, disregarding police regulations and social ethics, were making TikTok videos.

Immediate departmental and legal action should be taken against police TikTokers who make and upload indecent, suggestive voiceovers, playback songs, and disrespectful videos, IG Sindh ordered Additional IG Karachi, Zonal DIGs, and SSPs Karachi.

“There is no place in the police force for those who tarnish the reputation of the department by making such videos,” IG Sindh said.

Use of social media by govt servants

In a notification from the Establishment Division dated Sept 2, 2024, it was stated that no government servant could participate in any media platform except with the permission of the government.

The notification barred government servants from sharing official information or document with another public sector employee – “unauthorised to receive it – or a private person or press”.

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It also barred government servants from offering views on any media platform, “which may either harm the national security or friendly relations with foreign states; or offend public order, decency or morality; or amount to contempt of court or defamation or incitement to an offence; or, propagate sectarian creeds”.


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