LAHORE: The Provincial Assembly, on Friday, passed a Motion to establish a Women Parliamentary Caucus, paving the way for a more equitable representation of women’s voices in the legislative process.

This Motion signifies a commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by women in our communities and enhancing their participation in governance.

The Motion was introduced by MPA Salma Saadia Temur, Parliamentary Secretary Women Development During the session, the need for a structured approach to tackle issues that disproportionately affect women was emphasised, stating, “The creation of the Women Parliamentary Caucus is a critical step toward ensuring that women’s perspectives and experiences are integral to our legislative agenda. We believe that collaboration among women lawmakers will lead to more effective policies that promote gender equality and empower all citizens.”

The newly formed caucus will focus on a variety of pressing issues, including: Advancing gender-responsive legislation, Combating violence against women and girls, Promoting women’s health and reproductive rights, Supporting female economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, Enhancing public awareness of gender equality issues.

The caucus aims to create a supportive network among women legislators, enabling them to share insights and strategies while advocating for policies that foster an inclusive society.

“We stand at a crucial juncture where our collective efforts can bring about transformative change for women in our province,” remarked (Speaker). “This caucus will serve as a powerful catalyst for advocacy and progress in all areas impacting women’s lives.”

The Provincial Assembly encourages the public to engage with the caucus and support initiatives aimed at creating a more equitable future for all.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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