ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) strongly condemned the arrest of Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, Shoaib Shaheen and Sher Afzal Marwat

In press release issued by SCBA office on Monday that the arrested persons are the advocates and the SCBA members be released immediately and unconditionaly.

The statement said that the Association has consistently raised its voice against the unwarranted arrests of lawyers under the guise of their participation in political activities. It needs mention here that the Constitution guarantees the fundamental rights of every citizen, including the right to life and liberty (Article 9), the right to fair trial (Article 10), the right to dignity (Article 14), the right to freedom of assembly (Article 16), and the right to freedom of speech (Article 19). SCBA strongly urges that these constitutional provisions be respected and fully observed, without exception.

The SCBA is of the view that the Peaceful Protest and Public Order Act 2024, is unconstitutional and a blatant violation of the fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution of Pakistan. This legislation poses a serious threat to the freedom of assembly, speech, and expression, which are essential cornerstones of a democratic society.

The Association condemned the unjust arrests, solely on account of the lapse of specified time limits. It said that actions represent an outright abuse of power and are a clear indicator of political victimization. These arbitrary detentions, devoid of any credible justification, are alarming instances of how the rule of law is being undermined to settle political scores. Should this pattern of victimization continue, it will drive the nation towards chaos and anarchy, eroding the very fabric of our democratic system.

In light of these grave developments, the SCBA demands the immediate release of all unlawfully detained lawyers. The SCBA urges the government to act responsibly, uphold constitutional values, and refrain from actions that threaten the stability of the nation. Failure to do so will leave us with no option but to make a call for country wide strikes.

Let no one be mistaken, this Association will not tolerate any infringement upon the fundamental rights of its members or the legal community at large.

SCBA will continue to uphold the rule of law and safeguarding the rights of its Members as well as of citizens of Pakistan.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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