ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court of Pakistan has clarified that off-the-record comments made by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa during a conversation with journalists were “needlessly and inaccurately” reported.

In a statement issued by the Secretary to the Chief Justice of Pakistan on Tuesday, it was explained that the conversation took place after the commencement of the new judicial year when some journalists asked the chief justice about a potential extension of his tenure.

It stated that on the commencement of the Judicial Year, the Attorney-General, the Vice Chairman of the Pakistan Bar Council and the President of the Supreme Court Bar Association were invited to address and express their respective views which they did.

SC marks start of new judicial year with full court reference

The Chief Justice of Pakistan spoke at the end, addressed several points raised by the earlier speakers, mentioned the steps taken by him and the members of various committees and other bodies and referred to the decisions of the Supreme Court to show the improvements that had been, and were being made, in the justice delivery system and how transparency and accountability have been ushered in.

The statement mentioned that at the conclusion of the proceedings the participants were invited for tea during which some journalists surrounded the Chief Justice, spoke to him and asked him questions. The Chief Justice made it clear that he was talking to them off the record, but since the conversation has been misinterpreted and widely disseminated it is necessary to accurately reproduce what transpired.

It continued that the Chief Justice was asked about the extension of his tenure, to which he replied that several months earlier the Law Minister had come to him in his Chamber and had stated that the Government was considering making the position of the Chief Justice of Pakistan a fixed tenure post for three years.

“The Chief Justice informed the journalists that he told the Law Minister, that if the proposal was individual specific, and if enacted, it would not be something he would accept. The Senior Puisne Judge and the Attorney-General were present at this meeting.

Mention was also made by the Law Minister of the Parliamentary Committee’s role which he said had been diminished, therefore, it was being considered to incorporate it, and the Judicial Commission, into one body. To which the Chief Justice replied that it was Parliament’s prerogative, however, added that he hoped that those in opposition to the Government would not be excluded,“ clarified the statement.

It further said that the Law Minister has since not met the Chief Justice privately nor has had any discussion with the Chief Justice regarding any such matter.

It also said, “There was a follow up question attributed to something said by Mr. Rana Sanaullah with reference to this subject. The Chief Justice replied that he had not met the said gentleman and does not know what he had said, therefore, if there are any questions they should be addressed to him directly.”

Questions were also put to the Chief Justice about the proposal to increase the number of Judges since the number of cases has increased, to which the Chief Justice responded that it was best if first the vacant positions were filled in.

The statement said that is regrettable that an off-the-record conversation was needlessly and in most instances inaccurately broadcast and published and unnecessary sensationalism created.

Giving unnecessary attention and importance to individuals detracts from what is important - institutions - and it be ensured that they serve the people.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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zh Sep 11, 2024 08:39pm
The reported disinterest of Kazi Issa's in extension was unbelievable. The CJ has clarified that if the government passes a law in this regard and terms it not person-specific, he would accept it.
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