EDITORIAL: The fallout from the PTI (Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf) rally held on September 8 in Islamabad continues to reverberate, with the behaviour and actions of all stakeholders drawing a highly disturbing picture of the state of democracy and politics in the country, not to speak of the extreme polarisation afflicting the political system.

From Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur spouting downright shameful remarks targeting the Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz as well as women journalists, to the authorities needlessly upping the ante by arresting PTI lawmakers from within the precincts of parliament – an act contrary to the law – the entire series of events reflects a serious erosion of democratic norms.

The KP chief minister has been a serial offender when it comes to spewing sexist, misogynist bile, a reflection of the highly regressive views he holds about women’s place in society. His remarks at the rally — which do not bear repeating here — were filled with shocking innuendo and unabashed chauvinism. They have only served to further stoke the flames of division, highlighting the increasingly toxic rhetoric that has come to define Pakistan’s political discourse. While the outcry from journalist bodies and members of the public prompted PTI leaders Gohar Ali Khan and Omar Ayub to unconditionally apologise on behalf of the party, what was disappointing was the reaction of their founding chairman Imran Khan, who refused to censure Gandapur, giving the KP CM his full support. Moreover, Imran Khan derided those who had apologised for Gandapur’s remarks.

The former prime minister has completely failed to realise that Gandapur’s remarks weren’t just about a mere lack of decorum or putting forward his party’s positions in a forceful manner. They undermined the dignity of not just those he directly targeted, but all women who challenge traditional male-dominated spheres. And for Imran Khan to back such comments, whatever the provocations by the authorities, only serves to confirm that regressive attitudes towards women cut across educational backgrounds and societal status. Even after decades in public life, Imran Khan hasn’t comprehended the far-reaching impact of his often inappropriate statements regarding women, and how these have contributed to shaping societal attitudes towards them, as he remains one of the most influential politicians in the country. It is pertinent to note here that no political party in Pakistan can be absolved of holding misogynistic attitudes as sexism transcends all political divides. One can only hope that our political discourse matures enough to foster a more progressive and respectful attitude towards women.

Coming to the actions of those in power in the aftermath of the rally, resulting in several of the party’s leaders being rounded up, including from within the parliament building by plainclothes individuals, a highly dangerous precedent has been set, making it all too easy to ignore the respect due to elected representatives of the public. Most of the blame for needlessly dialing up political temperatures in this manner falls on the rulers as they are the ones in the more powerful position. One of the reasons cited for the arrests, that of the PTI rally finishing later than the prescribed time and thus violating the terms of the permission granted to it, is laughable to say the least. This sudden regard for punctuality in a bid to adhere to a repressive piece of legislation passed days before the rally was held, indicates the authorities’ lack of wisdom and foresight, which turned a routine public gathering into a political circus. While it is welcome that all political parties, including those from the ruling coalition, have condemned the arrests that took place within parliament’s precincts, more must be done to lower political temperatures. It is high time the rulers started focusing on a more measured approach towards resolving political differences, and took urgent steps to de-escalate prevailing tensions.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2024


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KU Sep 12, 2024 12:22pm
Persecution in politics is deemed normal course of rule, but rule by fear n misuse of law, only ensures growing anger among victims. This is changing attitudes n values, its spreading like pandemic.
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Ali Sep 13, 2024 10:36am
We all voted for Imran and believed him.But his legacy has been one of economic mismanagement,misogyny,failed foreign policy, resurgence of terrorism and extreme polarization of society.
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